Trimming Back Leylandi Trees


Registered User
My brother in law is looking for somebody to trim back and reduce in height about 15 leylandi trees.He is based in Malahide, any recommendations? Thanks.
I have them, I hate them and would gladdly run a chain saw along the bottom of them at ground level if only I wouldn't loose my privacy on all sides. Worst ever species.
Other than get rid of them altogether, get them cut down to about 6-8 feet and try to keep them at that level. Ideally they should be cut 2-3 times every summer, I couldn't be bothered and usually pay someote to butcher mine once a year half hoping they will damage them so much that they will die and I will just have to get rid of them and replace them.
Would recommend this guy, he did a great job on a job next to one of mine in Malahide last year. His name is Ronnie Lawler phone 8079662 / 0872378665.
I got his card incase I ever needed a property tidied.