trimmer nylon line replacement


Registered User

I bought one of those bright yellow edge trimmers from garden master, the nylon line has run out, the manual says I can order a spare but its a UK freephone and can't call them...can I just buy some plain nylon line from a shop and try to fit it in the hub...anybody done this or know a way around?

Thanks for any tips.
Who is the manufacturer? You can get replacements reels from Woodies, B&Q , Atlantic for the bigger named ones?
I think the brand is Garden Master? I googled it but can only find links to buy the whole trimmer, i just need the little hub with the rotating line in it...
Your best bet is to remove the empty one and trip along to B& Q and see if you can locate that is similar, but pay attention to the plastic fitting as it may not sit properly.
thanks for the answers...might pop down the supervalue shop i bought it in, see if they can arrange to get a replacement from the maker
Just buy some new line (any hardware store) and refill the plastic reel.

Make sure you buy line of the same diameter.
might pop down the supervalue shop i bought it in, see if they can arrange to get a replacement from the maker
It's not a good idea to buy special offers from Supermarkets as it's difficult to get spares etc.

I bought a Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner from Tesco last year and have to order the bags from England for it as I can't find them anywhere here in Ireland!
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yea, will try to get some line for the reel from a shop...

delgirl, too right you are...supervalue couldn't do much...don't mind ordering online but this garden master is only UK phone/or mail order...the internet never really took off for this crowd.

for your hoover...have you looked at argos?...i think i saw something called like that in their catalog...
"I bought a Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner from Tesco last year and have to order the bags from England for it as I can't find them anywhere here in Ireland!"

I bought a universal hoover bag from [broken link removed] for €9.99. It seems to fit my mother's new Nilfisk but does not suit my very old model. If it fit yours it would save you a lot of re-ordering hassle. I think its a question of taking the fitting from the top of your disposable bag and slotting it onto velcro and this is what makes it adaptable.

Besides the price of these paper bags its the inconvenience of trapsing around looking for them in the shops that drives me mad.