Trevor Sargent revelations - Fianna Fail dirty tricks?


Registered User
Anyone else out there suspect that the "revelations" about Trevor Sargent and his letter to the Garda are part of the dirty tricks department at Fianna fail. It seems strange that within days of the Willie O'Dea affair details of this letter just happen to be made public.

Its seems obvious to me that the independent group of Newspapers is biased towards FF and that is putting it mildly. Having read, but not bought, this weeks Sunday Independent, it seems that the only journalist not in the FF camp is Gene Kerrigan. Angus Fanning, Jodie Corcoran, Brendan O'Connor and of course Senator Harris all wrote glowing tributes to Willie and implied he was the only one stopping Sinn Fein from taking over the country. Jodie Corcoran surpassed himself as he usually does when defending FF ministers. Have these people no dignity or self respect
or even standards?
Can't understand why Sargent did what he did, but at least he's done the right thing in resigning.
Whether it's the case or not, it does appear like dirty tricks may be in play. I would think the coalition govt is very fragile at the moment, another crisis could sink it.
Will take some strong leadership on both sides to get through this.
On the other side, neither the greens nor FF will want to face the polls.
Starlite68 - I share your joy at Willie O'Dea's departure but Travor Sargent always came across to me as a decent man. Often reading a particular court case it seems the wrong person is facing charges. That is the victim who ends up on the wrong side of the law and the alleged offender is protected. Maybe it was that kind of situation?

Hearing Kevin Doyle, the journalist who broke the story, with such unashamed glee in his voice was sickening. Asked by Matt Cooper if he got the story from his FF bosses he more or less agreed he had - funnny that he also got the letter sent by Travor Sargent to the man who sought his help. The source has to be a FF mole in the Dail with access to mail.
And it all happened 2 years ago, now that could set a precedent.

Having googled in Kevin Doyle Evening Herald a story came up concerning a complaint about the young journalist being accused of plagiarising an article from The Irish Times! This happened in 2008 and obviously did not damage his career in the Evening Herald, although he has left himself open to questions about his own behaviour.
I enjoyed listening to people in the last few hours saying that at least he is a man of principle.

Principle my ass. He did this illegal thing nearly 3 years ago, and only resigned cos he was caught. Plain and simple.

If he was a decent, principaled man he would have resigned when it happened.

Makes you wonder how many secrets our politicians are hiding.

And to the original question, it does smell a bit of dirty tricks, and the parties are now all square.
So if FF were playing dirty tricks to get at the greens - tit for tat resignations - at what point will the whole lot fall apart?
I actually felt a bit sorry for Gormley and Ryan yesterday. I think they were afraid to go agianst the government over the Willie O'Dea afair but Dan Boyle forced their hand. Now it looks like the Trevor Sergant story was leaked as revenge. They looked shell-shocked yesterday and unsure how to deal with it.
They looked shell-shocked yesterday and unsure how to deal with it.

Kind of sums up their time in government so far :D

Like Johnd, had the impression that Trevor was in essence decent and reasonably principled. Maybe not.

Was the last honest politician Dick Spring or something?!
A Green Party Minister has been caught out and now he is so principled that he resigns. Isn't he courageous and principled ??
Meanwhile 40 miles up the road the bombers are back in business, gangland killings are running at two a week, nearly 500000 people unemployed and we can afford the luxury of wasting time playing silly buggers in the Dail
A Green Party Minister has been caught out and now he is so principled that he resigns. Isn't he courageous and principled ??
Meanwhile 40 miles up the road the bombers are back in business, gangland killings are running at two a week, nearly 500000 people unemployed and we can afford the luxury of wasting time playing silly buggers in the Dail

Are there 500000 people unemployed? If there are we should have riots in the streets. Are you sure about that figure?
Starlite68 - I share your joy at Willie O'Dea's departure but Travor Sargent always came across to me as a decent man. Often reading a particular court case it seems the wrong person is facing charges. That is the victim who ends up on the wrong side of the law and the alleged offender is protected. Maybe it was that kind of situation?

Hearing Kevin Doyle, the journalist who broke the story, with such unashamed glee in his voice was sickening. Asked by Matt Cooper if he got the story from his FF bosses he more or less agreed he had - funnny that he also got the letter sent by Travor Sargent to the man who sought his help. The source has to be a FF mole in the Dail with access to mail.

Who would you want in your corner, Willie O@Dea or Trevor Sargent? Decent doesn't even come into it when we are talking about running a country.
Who would you want in your corner, Willie O@Dea or Trevor Sargent? Decent doesn't even come into it when we are talking about running a country.

I rather have one Trevor Sargent than ten Willie O'Dea's thanks. As for running the country it is more ruining the country Messers O'Dea and Co have in mind. Party before people and country at all costs - that's the FF motto.
Who would you want in your corner, Willie O@Dea or Trevor Sargent? Decent doesn't even come into it when we are talking about running a country.

I would say Trevor Sargent. Limerick has massive unemployment and crime rates, Willie O'Dea is their TD and minister and he still couldn't follow through on the proposed regeneration project.
I would say Trevor Sargent. Limerick has massive unemployment and crime rates, Willie O'Dea is their TD and minister and he still couldn't follow through on the proposed regeneration project.
And yet the sheep will still re-elect him.
And yet the sheep will still re-elect him.

Bill, I'm not so sure - a large part of his vote would have come from those people displaced out of the estates earmarked for regeneration. I'm not sure where they will vote in the next election, but if it is in the constituency to which they have been relocated, Willie could be in trouble.

Then again, the cute hoor will almost certainly have thought of this and have taken "measures".