Travelling with an infant still on bottle feeds, What can i bring on board flight?


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We are travelling on holidays in the next few weeks and wondering if anyone else has recently travelled with an infant had any problems bringing baby bottles with water, powder in despenser tub, jar's of food?

i checked the website, i was looking for anyone who has travelled recently with an infant to let me know how they found the security checks and if they incountered any problems.
i am just back from the States. Ok In Ireland no problem bringing on boiled water in bottle and mixing it when she needed feeding. In the states coming back it had to be mixed. I explained that if it was mixed baby would have to drink it in one hour. I actually froze two bottles of mixed formula and put them into a insulated container. Worked like a dream they were still frozen solid four hours later. then got airline staff to put it in hot water abour half an hour before she needed it. Freeze one one of the days and then see how long it takes to defrose in warm water (they don't have boiling water on the flight just hot)

If I were you i would bring both systems and one or two of the sealed premixed ones for the return. If I had them I would have been sorted.

Secuirity are fine as long as you tell them you have formula instead of waiting for them to ask you.
