Travelling with 2yo, a pushchair & baggage, from Connolly to Belfast by train.


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I have to make a trip tomorrow with a two year old, a pushchair and baggage, from Connolly to Belfast and wondered if anyone has done this before. I am nervous as we have only ever travelled alone by car. Is there room to lift the buggy on with child in it or do I have to fold it up and put somewhere?
Re: Travelling with pushchair to Belfast on train!

If I recall, the Enterprise has some single seats with space beside them, reserved for wheelchair users. If they weren't being used you might be able to sit there with the buggy. If you can't use these seats, you would have to fold the buggy as there isn't space in the aisle for it.
My advice is to carry your luggage as a ruck sack.
Have you got a reins for the 2 year old or a buggy boards.

You can get great reins in the Great Outdoors on Catham st. for around €26. Called little life rucksacks...upstairs.

Also bring a picnic...enterprise is probably better than the rest...but its a nightmare trying to get to dining car with small kiddies and the trollies don't appear when you need bring your own food.

I've done it loads and survived.

Good luck