Travelling to Turkey



A total of six (including myself) are travelling to Kusadasi, Turkey in June and was wondering is it a safe place to go in relation to all the trouble that was happening, i.e. bombs in Istanbul and Bodrum. Is there an embassy or somewhere I could find out more before I pay the rest of the money on Monday.
Contact the Irish Dept of Foreign Affairs for advice.
Are you sure that Bodrum was ever bombed? I don't remember any attacks other than the recent ones in Istanbul and possibly somewhere like Marmaris or Antalya a few years ago?

A couple of weeks ago there was a car bomb in Bodrum. It was reported on the 6-1 news.
Re: bodrum

Strange - I can't seem to find any mention of that incident on the web.

I would not go there. It is a muslim country, not far from the middle east. There is no point in loooking for trouble.
travel to turkey

myself and the other penangs have been to Turkey seven or eight times - just bought an apartment there this year.

Great place, nice people, fantastic food.

but why are you going to Kusadasi? It's a kip. The most danger you'll be in is from tripping over a larger lout.

Re: travel to turkey

It is a muslim country,

While the majority religion is Islam the state itself is not strictly Muslim ever since Kemal Ataturk westernised and secularised it in the early 20th century...

but why are you going to Kusadasi? It's a kip. The most danger you'll be in is from tripping over a larger lout.

Re: travel to turkey


If you don't mind me asking, whereabouts did you buy and can you recommend a good estate agent or developer there?

Slim 8)

Sorry for taking so long to respond. We used realestate turkey ( and bought a 3 bed apartment at myndos hills in the Bodrum peninsula.

Went there in June. looks good. Just received the deeds yesterday.