Travelling to Africa... how do I manage funds?



Hi all, not sure if this is the right forum (there are way too many!!)

I'll be travelling to Africa soon enough, and would like to know how exactly to manage my finances while over there, and maybe get some good tips etc.

So I'll have roughly 12,000e in my account.

First of all, which bank would be the best for compatibility with the developing world? What bank would be the best place to throw 12,000e in, and have regular access to it? I'm with bank of Ireland now but I really don't want to stay with them much longer.

And should I leave all my cash in my account or transfer some onto my credit card? There's no way african ATMs would accept my debit card, or would they? I'd have to withraw from the hole in the wall with my credit card and then pay it back online... Is that a good idea?

Any advice? Thanks.
I have travelled through many African countries and had no cash problems.

Firstly, there are ATMs in almost every major city/town in most parts of Africa. The ATMs will accept any Irish ATM card that has a Visa symbol or one of the other international symbols. If your ATM card works abroad, you will not have a problem.

USD is king in most African countries.

I suggest you bring some USD cash, your Visa card and an international ATM card and you should be more than covered.