Travellers fighting in Mullingar

There's no way travellers should be allowed to fight each other bare knuckled or with pickaxe handles........they should only be allowed use machetes imo.
One of the things that holds back open and reasonable discussion on matters regarding travellers is that they themselves (and other people also) are too quick to jump in with 'discrimination', 'anti-traveller' and 'rascism' accusations. So it is well near impossible to get any kind of dialogue going because if you express a negative opinion at all you are then in the firing line for accusations of discrimation.

There is traveller accomodation quite near my home. At residents meetings for the entire community the issue of rubbish being dumped on the road outside the accomodation was raised. The response from the travellers representative about the issue was 'youse just dont like travellers' quickly followed by absolute shut down and refusal to discuss the matter. Peoples hands are tied in situations like that. Its impossible to make changes when one side will not acknowledge unacceptable behaviour but instead insists that they are being picked on for being a traveller.
There's no way travellers should be allowed to fight each other bare knuckled or with pickaxe handles........they should only be allowed use machetes imo.

My sister's first house was partly backing onto a traveller halting site. My sister's house backed onto a school, but the houses further up the block backed onto the halting site which was in the next field to the school.

One poor girl up the road was awakened in the early hours to see two guys with machetes taking swipes at each other in her back garden. Poor girl was afraid in her house after that and sold shortly after.
They won't pay for skips to take their rubbish away. This is my only problem with them.
Surely it is the other way around. Travellers don't like non travellers. That's why they treat them with contempt. Except for the pseudo-intellectual-liberals who soft-voice their opinions on discrimination, exclusion and all that other claptrap. They (the travellers) and only they are the architects of this discrimination. Why not try assimilation for a change? That would require doing a days constructive work and meeting one's social obligations. This is not in the curriculum of these card carrying members of the victim culture.
I think that they should be referred to by nationality like everyone else and stop letting them use the tag traveller as an excuse to get away with things. i don't think traveller describes their lifestyle anymore. They are just accepted but there has come a time where they should be brought to book about how they live outside the system and yet still benefit from it.
I can't remember where I read this: ' As long as we encourage a culture of victimhood,we will continue to raise victims, and so the cycle or underachievement continues.'.
At the back of a small traveller estate which is beside a school and DKIT there is rubish being burned as a part of a waste disposal business run by some travellers who live there. The DKIT playing fields are a superb facility to go for a walk but about 3/7 nights an inferno blows nasty toxic black smoke into the air making the fields unusable.

The fires are usually started after 8.00 and if the wind is blowing across the field you have to get out quickly as the plastic they burn would make you physically sick.

I can't understand how the local coucil ignores this serious public health and safety issue....

When the fires are not lit you have to watch out for large rats who scavenge food waste.

This is going on for the last three years. I presume the council own the houses - could the council fine themselves for burning on their own property?????????
I think the OP was making the point that regardless of whether this kind of violence involves travellers or not, it seems wrong that Gardaí should be offering to mediate. If laws have been broken then the offenders should be arrested as any ordinary citizen would be. Offering mediation, in my mind, likens the situation to a political one such as Northen Ireland where organisations were justifying their use of violence as a political cause. Riots between feuding families, travellers or otherwise should not be given the same political stance.