Traveling to South Africa with a 2mnyh old....milk??


Registered User
Hi all,

If anyone has info on this it would be great.

Baby is currently on SMA gold, this is not available in SA but S2Gold would be similar but not the same - has anyone had experience of this??


Hi Guys,

No takers on this I wonder has anyone had to travel and bring a lot of formula with them, if so what is the best way to do this to assure it arrives safely.....

The above info on SM2Gold came from the manufacturers but it would be risky not to have a supply to hand...

Any help/info of what to do would be great...


Hi Joanod,
We were away a few years ago and we had sachets of SMA. They were one use 7oz amounts, you just had to add water.
As far as I remember, my wife got a load of these at some sort of promotion so I don't know if they are available to buy. Maybe you could check out SMA website to see if this type of product is available to purchase.
Thank you for the info Shawady, this is for my friend and she will be in South Africa for 10weeks so I will let her know about the sachets......I would say however a greater supply might put her mind at ease....

Thanks again,

Looking at the size of most South Africans I know (my daughter in law is one of them) the local product can't be too bad.
Thanks Billk - point takes!!

The issue here is my friend is going out during her mat leave as Dad has had to go on a longterm basis for work, she will return again at the end of summer and I suppose she would like to keep the baby on the same formula ....and avoid if she can any nasty reactions ect......

Thanks J
My wife and I took our 4 month old to the US for 3 weeks a few years back. As her milk powder was not available we just brought enough to last us the few weeks. We then had room in the suitcase to bring back cheaper than Ireland clothes for her, might be an option?