Travel to Canaries unexpected return home


Registered User
I often wondered when abroad say in the Canaries on hols and one had to return home quickly what steps should one take.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding you but is it not just
1- Book Ryanair, or
2 - Book Aer Lingus

What else do you mean?
If its non peak holiday period time its just book a ryanair (lot cheaper usually) as flights are rarely completely full. just log on to internet now and try it ok?
Its a standard scheduled flight.
Thanks...usually we travel out early November so could i assume there would be little problem in booking a seat home with aer lingus or ryanair then
Ive seen available flights on the days when we travelled out mid december and even comingback new year eve! and at very good prices too ..that was ryanair
Cant see flights then being more that 75% full even on the day. On all probability you could arrive at the airport on the day, book and travel.
I think you might only have one direct flight per week to the Canaries from either Aerlingus or Ryanair, so might not be an option if you need to leave mid-week.
However, always the possiblity to go via Madrid with one of the Spanish airlines, flights might of course be more expensive - but maybe not.
From my long travel agency experience customers who asked this question were usually worried about an elderly, frail or ill close relative possibly taking a turn for the worse.
If this is the reason it's best to know that in most cases of clients returning home on an earlier flight the insurance company refused to reimburse the cost of those flights.
Flights travel to and from Tenerife,
Sun, Tues,Thurs, Fri, Sat and perhaps other days.
What about Stand-by.
Was returning to Dublin yesterday from Malaga, Aer lingus were selling seats at the desk for 80 euros.