Travel Insurance - Spending 12 months abroad


Registered User
My 23 year old daughter is going to Australia and is planning to spend 12 months or so abroad, possibly coming back via South America. I have been checking to see what insurance cover is available and it all seems pretty expensive.

Any suggestions?


PS: Apologies if this is in the wrong forum. I wasn't sure if it should be here or under Travel.
Thanks Brian

My daughter got a quote of €641.25 from the site for 12 years cover. This seems quite expensive and there seems to be cover available through AIB for around €300, although I imagine this may not cover things like snowboarding, etc. which seem to be covered under the WorldNomads policy, but she doesn't really need.

She would like to strike the right balance between having more cover than she needs and paying a fortune for it and having too little cover, so that she is exposed if something goes wrong.

Any suggestions or further information would be most welcome.

You can never have to much cover, This is your daughter. God forbid something may happen. Have her well covered. It's hard enough she will be away for 12 months.
Thanks Mercman, but I think you misunderstood the point I was trying to make.

I agree that it's foolish to underinsure - particularly when someone is going to be away from home for a long time. However, there is no point in insuring a risk that is not relevant e.g. if she's not going to be skydiving or snowboarding, there is no point in having cover for these risks unless the extra cost is relatively small. Likewise, there's no point in paying extra to cover travel in (say) Africa if there's no possibility that she will visit there as part of her trip.

The WorldNomads policy seems to be a 'one size fits all' policy that covers worldwide travel and various hazardous sports, etc. If there is something that meets her needs more specifically at a lower cost and without compromising the extent of the cover, then it makes sense to avail of the saving.

I would be very grateful for advice from anyone who has researched the types of cover that are available or who can suggest a website where these issues may have been discussed in more detail.

Homer, hang on until tomorrow. I have a Policy on my desk from Lloyds of London, for traveling. I go it for my children who are now at an age of going away on their own. I will read it and advise you on the cost, Insured matters etc. and will post tomorrow. If it then is of interest, I will PM you my Brokers details.

Checked the Policy in my office and the price for one years Insurance (12 months) is €647.25. Expensive but cover fairly widespread, and hazardous sports not covered unless prior notice offered.
Thanks Mercman

It looks as if somewhere around €650 is the going rate. How does your policy compare with WorldNomads?

This is with Ace, I find them reasonable for my own annual multi-trip, although never had a claim with them. You can get a discount if you exclude money & personal effects cover (I know when I was travelling thru Oz that wasn't a problem!) Total for 12 months €232, although u might have to go for w/wide cover if shes coming back via SA

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i think the problem with the 'high' prices perceived here is that people are comparing it to annual multi-trip insurace, however all of those policies tend to limit you to 30 day trips at a time.
Thanks everyone

Having looked at the various options, we're going to go with VHI Global. Under most headings, the level of cover seems to be better than ACE and a big advantage is that it's renewable, whereas ACE is restricted to an overall maximum of 13 months.
