travel insurance for South America trip?


Registered User
Heading to south america for 1 month. Trailafinders have given me a quote of €82. Can anyone recommend a cheaper company? All the usual criteria required - medical cover, cancellation, loss of luggage, etc.
I've used AIG/Chartis in the past [broken link removed]
And tend to just renew my worldwide annual multi trip insurance every year for the missus and I. We tend to travel quite a bit though so single trip insurance might suit you better.

Edit: just checked my last renewal from a month ago - I have the "premier multi trip annual" which comes in at 83 euro for a couple for the year.
The Irish company that seems to have the biggest share of Irish travel market is Blueinsurance. try them.

Newirishman's point about annual multitrip insurance is worth pursuing. You may find the difference between a one month quote worldwide is not much less than an annual policy.

I'm also planning a one month trip to S.America in Autumn but am using my VHI insurance which covers pre-existing conditions.