Travel Insurance for Seriously Ill...


Registered User
My mum who's in kidney failure is planning on going to Lourdes later this year...

Does anyone know of an Insurance Company that offers cover to very ill people???... I don't want to have a huge bill should she become very ill, and need to be airlifted home by Medivac or some such...

Thanks in advance....

I think it unlikely she would get new cover.
However she would be covered for any emergency treatment by her european health card see

The healthservice in France is excellent.
She might also be already covered under her existing private health inurance...check the details.

You might be able to negotiate insurance for just the medivac, if that was required, if not already covered on your policy.
Thanks Mommah...

Yes, the health service in France is second to none... I've experience of it, and if I knew I was going to be sick, I'd be on a flight to France!...

It's more the Medivac I'd worry about... I'll certainly look into seperate cover for that...

I just think that there's bound to be a travel insurance policy somewhere for people with serious illnesses... So many people who are very ill want to make 'that last trip' before the end comes, they can't ALL take the risk of travelling without adaquate cover...

Thanks again...
VHI Travel Insurance normally covers existing medical conditions. You need to be a VHI member to purchase their travel insurance. There are some further conditions for older people.
Thanks for that, Noel...

No good, I'm afraid... Mum's not a VHI member... Only member of our family with private health insurance is the dog!...

Thanks anyway...
Maybe you could contact the tourist office in Lourdes?
They should know about this stuff.

Place Peyramale - BP 17
65101 Lourdes cedex - France
Tél. 33 (0)5 62 42 77 40
Fax 33 (0)5 62 94 60 95
Courriel :
Courriel Professionnels

Horaires d'ouverture de l'office de tourisme

Ouvert toute l'année :
- Du 01/01 au 02/04 et du 09/10 au 31/12 -
Du lundi au samedi : de 09h à 12h et de 14h à 18h - Fermé les jours fériés

- Du 03/04 au 02/07 et du 04/09 au 08/10 -
Du lundi au samedi : de 09h à 18h30
Dimanche : de 10h à 12h30 jusqu'au 01/10
Jours fériés : de 10h à 18h

Du 03/07 au 03/09
- Du lundi au samedi : de 09h à 19h -
Dimanche et jours fériés : de 10h à 18h
Brilliant idea, Mommah...

I was thinking about ringing around a few insurance brokers, too... I know it'll probably be expensive, but we must have the peace of mind it brings...

Thank you again for taking the time to help... Much appreciated...
Darthvadar, I'd much prefer to be treated in a French hospital than to be air lifted home to a trolly in Ireland. (I jest)

You could contact the Irish Kidney Association. They have a holiday co ordinator who can help with foreign holidays and also practical help for those requiring dialysis facilities whilst away. Suggest that your Mum brings a copy of her full medical details along with her in case anything should happen at least the medical professionals in France will have rapid access to her medical history.

IKA is the most FANTASTIC organisation EVER!... I have recieved huge support both practical and emotional from them... I'll never be able to repay them if I live to be 200!... I'll ask when I'm next there... Thank you, Sumatra... Much appreciated...
I'm with you, re the trolley, Sumatra... Me too... But if she was to become very ill, and it was near the end, I think she'd want to come home!...

IKA is the most FANTASTIC organisation EVER!... I have recieved huge support both practical and emotional from them... I'll never be able to repay them if I live to be 200!... I'll ask when I'm next there... Thank you, Sumatra... Much appreciated...