Travel Insurance- family with adult children


New Member
Hi everyone,

Long term fan of the forum, first time poster!

We are a family of six ( Mum, Dad and four children) travelling to Europe on a family camping holiday. Three of my children are over 18, hence I have not had any luck sourcing a travel insurance quote for our group ( only options I have come across seem to be family of three and then three individual policies for the adult children- which works out quite expensive vs family of 6 with 4 children under 18).

Has anyone else had this issue and found a solution?

Many thanks.
We used an annual policy, just cover, covered the adult kids on their own trips too. It was about €150 for 4 of us, 2+2, all adults for all year and included USA, would be cheaper for Europe only. It is priced based on our health insurance cover packages.

I wouldn’t have expected it to be much more per head for 6 people
An Post travel insurance allows you to specify up to 7 children on the quote request form. Maybe check that out (though the adult ones may not qualify of course).
we've used Multitrip for the last few years, they will only include kids up to the age of 18 in the family policy, so I've had to put the older ones onto their own policies. I don't know if other insurers have different rules, I've always found Multitrip the cheapest.
I think you just have to suck it up, like when they're ordering the most expensive thing on the menu and another round of drinks on your bill
The Just Cover Definiton of a FAMILY is defined :-

You and your spouse (including common-law spouse), plus up to 4 of your unmarried dependent children under the age of 23 years, in full time education, and permanently residing with you. Your unmarried dependent children are only covered when travelling with an adult insured under this policy.
Thank you all for your info- yes I will definitely look into some of the above. As regards eating out……will stick to lunch when the young adults are still sleeping off the previous night’s party.
With my JustCover family policy, the kids (17 and 19) are not covered to travel on their own. Changed to VHI multi trip and they are covered for solo traveling.

Interestingly, my daughter was on the dreaded leaving cert holiday. One of the lads was sick - friends were not sure if he was spiked or ‘just drunk’ so brought him to the clinic. Ended up on a drip for a few hours and Vhi multi trip would not cover the €700 (!) fee as it was ‘ alcohol related’. When does something become ‘alcohol related’ - what if I tripped after a couple of glasses of wine?
Well you say you tripped and don't mention the wine. And the friends should have given the clinic guy bedrest and plenty of fluids. The travel companies are not stupid and will have clauses that disallow self induced illness. At least none of them jumped into a pool from the 10th floor. My nephew came back from one of these 'holidays' last week as white as when he left, we estimate he didn't see daylight, but were just glad he got home alive and with no injuries. He slept for 2 days. My husband's nephew had a bike injury after one such holiday and couldn't work for the summer and so could not pay off the loan for the holiday. He grew up pretty quick after that. I know of worse but I'll leave it out of here.
I know - my daughter was the same! They were probably in the same place - an island in the Ionian Sea
They may do a breath/ blood tests for alcohol.
I do get your point about friends putting them to bed etc but there was an awful lot of spiking (by injection) going on and this lad isn’t a massive drinker so pals had never seen him like that and got a fright. I suppose they were being a cautious and looking out for this guy - as we encourage our kids to do. Easy to forget they are only 18.

Glad to have my child home in one piece. It’s not a holiday she would repeat but wouldn’t have missed it either!
Isn't travel insurance largely irrelevant, repatriation situations apart, once they have EHIC cards?
but there was an awful lot of spiking (by injection) going on and this lad isn’t a massive drinker so pals had never seen him like that and got a fright.
Honestly Mousehelp you are not this naive. The minute I hear of Ibiza, Santa Ponza, Maguluf, Benidorm. My nephew was told 3 things

- Don't get in water if you take alcohol
- Drink lots of water
- Put on suncream

The last one didn't apply based on his returning colour. LOL. And I think the second bit of advice was ignored based on the 2 days in bed recovery. Not giving too much money so sticking to pints instead of cocktails is parental advice. Two ways to do this, give a daily allowance and only pay it daily, or give some, then a few days in add more, so they don't spend it all at once. Don't believe lies that 1K is needed for a week !! One of mine is going soon, they are planning on bringing a box of weetabix with them and cooking pasta for dinner. Another of mine had the neck to tell me recently that they wouldn't have gone at all if they had known how little money I was giving them - the group was divided in two, those with money eating and dining out everyday, and those having to actually home cook most of the time.
yeah, now that you mention it one of the factors in my insuring the kids in their own names was that Multitrip don't cover them for solo travel unless it's a school trip. I'll look at the VHI option when the renewal comes up.
The VHI Travel insurance has an exclusion where it will not provide medical cover:

When you drink too much alcohol which is evidenced by one of the following:

a) a medical practitioner stating that your alcohol consumption has caused or actively contributed to your injury or illness
b) the results of a blood test which shows that your blood alcohol level exceeds 0.19% which is approximately 4 times the legal drink driving limit for an unspecified driver in Ireland
c) a witness report from a 3rd party or a police incident report
d) your own admission

Was there any test done for the spiking? Was the matter reported to Police?

If there was a test done - what was result? If the incident was reported to Police as a spiking and a report can be obtained, then you could consider representing the claim.