travel insurance claim


Registered User
i will be making a claim for my partner who required emergency detal treatment as a result of an accident while abroad. (there was no 3rd party involved) however other than the stubb of a boarding card he has very little to prove he was abroad on these days. will this be an issue. he is not claiming for curtailment or cancellation only the cost of emergency dental.
I thought that they normally required original ticket stubs? What do the policy document and claim forms say about what's needed?
Surely the receipt for the dental treatment carried out will indicate where and when the work was carried out??
I made a travel insurance claim once for medical expenses incurred abroad (US) and the underwriter specifically required original ticket stubs with the claim. As I said the policy document and claim form should clarify what's needed in any specific case.
i have scanned the policy document and can't see any info pertaining to it. the accident occured the evening before departure and he had the treatment at home just after he returned.
Sorry indebted - I misread your original post to mean that the dental treatment was carried out abroad.

My multi-trip policy specifically excludes the cost of treatment carried out in Ireland, even if the event giving rise to the treatment occurred abroad. You may find that your policy's small print has a similar exclusion.

In addition, my policy only allows for e490's worth of dental treatment abroad and only if it is for the purposes of alleviating sudden pain.