Travel insurance claim help


Registered User
Anyone able to help me out with this?

I put in a claim on my travel insurance as my wallet was robbed while in Oz. There was about 300euros worth of dollars in it. My cc was also taken and used before I could cancel it.

Anyway went the cops after cancelling my cards, told them every little detail and got a crime report number as the OZ cops wont give out a crime report (it has to be obtained under the FOI act at a cost of a few hundred dollars).

When I came back to Ireland I put in a claim on my travel insurance for the stolen money, with all receipts etc and the crime report number. They said they need the actual crime report, I said I cant get it as it cost a couple of hundred quid and would be uneconomical to pay that considering my claim is for 300euro. They then said without it they are not paying and told me it states in the policy that I’m responsible to pay all expenses required to get all the relevant information they need to asses the claim. Surely this is unreasonable?

I even have correspondence from the Oz cop through email that he has caught the person who stole my wallet, I’ve given another statement and the cop has told me the dates the person who stole my wallet is appearing in court. I have passed all the emails from the Oz cop onto the insurance (theres more info in this than the original crime report) but they don’t care, they just want the crime report (why I don’t know – its only going to contain info I told the cops on day1).

Can anyone help me with this? It’s the principal more than the money, they know they have me but it just seems so totally unreasonable? Any ideas on how to get around this or do I have to just accept it?
Re: Travel insuracne claim help

Hi Gary,

Seems madness. If they are so keen on the report why don't they pay for it. They could also try e-mailing the cop and see if he can confirm your story or help in any. IMHO it sounds like the usual small print cop-out.

It may well be something that crops up on a regular basis so it might be worth your while to contact the [broken link removed] to see if he can help.
Re: Travel insuracne claim help

Perhaps contact the Australian embassy to see if they can offer advise on the police report form.
Re: Travel insuracne claim help

Most policies state that you must provide any information or documentation that your insurer requests (at your expense) but it would would also sometimes state "within reason"

In my opinion your insurer is being unreasonable in this case.
I'm sure you have already explained the circumstances/cost involved to you insurer so the next step I would recommend would be to write or email the manager of the claims dept or the customer service manager explaining again the circumstances and that you feel that unless they resolve the matter to your satisfaction have will be contacting the ombudsman.

Good Luck