Travel Insurance and Volcano Eruption


Registered User
Maybe I am just not getting the point.
I was in the US when the Iceland Volcano erupted. Initially, the airlines were claiming no responsibility for costs associated with missed flights, food and board and alternate booking to get home.
I was inclined to agree. The airline did not choose not to fly, the decision to ground European and Transatlantic was made by regulatory bodies outside of the airlines. The Airline Operators had no choice in the matter.

But, as I said to myself, that is why I bought Travel Insurance. However, when I examined the policy, I discovered that under the two sections "Cancellation and Curtailment" and "Travel Delay", there is a disclaimer (one of at least 10) itemising what is not covered.

"Withdrawal from service of the aircraft, sea vessel, coach or train on which You are booked to travel, by order or recommendation of the regulatory authority in any country. You should direct any claim in this case to the transport operator involved."

Why is it that Insurance companies are allowed to seemingly offer what would be basic cover and then manage to exclude most of the real world reasons for basing a claim?

And, like I said at the beginning, why is it that the airlines are being clobbered for something totally outside their control, while the travel insurance companies are getting no flack whatsoever. After all, insurance is to cover for the unexpected.

I would have thought insurance companies can exclude whatever they like.

It is up to the person buying the insurance to make sure the policy fits their needs.

There does not always have to be soneone held liable for losses. Sometimes the peerson incurring the loss has to bear the cost themselves.
you are absolutely right nconroy -I have been waffling on about for days about the unfairness of all this, and - as I have pointed out elsewhere- as a travel agent, I have no love for airlines that no longer give us commission ,offer cheap prices direct to the masses and no longer let me rip people off.

But as much as I dislike them ,especially those who have brought cheap travel to everyone, fair is fair. And making airlines pay is not fair.

What astounds me -and at my age nothing should - is the belief of many posters that
a) It is good to provide cheap flights .
b)It is right to make the providers of those cheap flights pay unlimited amounts to stranded passengers for something that is not the airlines fault is also a good thing.

As regards insurance cover. Well, i also got caught out by this. i sell a policy that covers "catastrophies". Thought i was being smart -it mentioned earthquakes, weather,floods,avalanches. (tsunamais wre covered).Great I thought ,that just about covers everything.
In small writing it excludes anything "not specifically mentioned".

My fault, never really considered volcanic ash, but am fighting them. Probably be dead by the time I get anywhere.

i wonder if there really is a policy that covers every single thing?
Fully agree with you, it's ridiculous that the airlines have to pay out for a decision made by the aviation authorities to ground all flights. Don't like Michael O' Leary but he was right to at least try fight it. Can't see him paying out much compensation though. "Reasonable expenses" could mean a hostel or airport seats for the night + sandwich.