Travel from Drumcondra to UCD


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I am looking for some advice on the fastest way to travel from Drumcondra to UCD from September. I have considered cycling but I fear that cycling through the city centre might be too dangerous. I have considered the possibility of taking a foldable bike and cycling to the DART station at Fairview, taking the foldable bike with me on the Dart and then cycling again from Sydney Parade to UCD campus. I think that there is a direct bus also but I fear that the journey will take a lot if time. Has anyone any other suggestion? Thank you
Can you take a foldable bike on the bus? If so then the number 11 bus to Milltown and then cycle. Probably a 50 minute journey in total.
Cycling is going to be by far the fastest way of getting there. I cycle through the city centre regularly and nearly every issue I see involving cyclists is caused by the cyclist so as long as you behave safely you'll be safe.
Can you take a foldable bike on the bus? If so then the number 11 bus to Milltown and then cycle.
You don't need to get off in Milltown. It passes by the Clonskeagh entrance to UCD, about 5 minutes walk to campus from the Clonskeagh gate, maybe even closer if you are studying minute walk to Richview.
Cycling through the city centre is dangerous, I wouldn't do it. Take any bus from Drumcondra to the city centre (they run every couple of minutes) and then any bus towards Belfield (also very frequent). It's much faster than taking the dart
Cycling through the city centre is dangerous, I wouldn't do it.
No it isn't. I've been doing it for over 30 years and it's never been safer. The infrastructure is far better and drivers are far more considerate of cyclists. I know it's not the fashionable thing to say but just about every time I've seen a cyclist nearly get in an accident it has been their fault.

There have been no cyclists killed in Dublin city centre so far this year. The number of cyclists in Dublin has increased massively over the last few years.
I think it is fair to say cycling is a little bit more dangerous than taking the bus, but it is nowhere near as dangerous as people think it is. It can also be made safer and more enjoyable by choosing your route carefully, I would generally not mind a longer route if it is safer and more enjoyable.

For the original poster, I don't know enough about the northside to suggest a route there, but coming out from town, Palmerston Road -> Temple Gardens -> Richmond Avenue South -> Dodder Greenway -> Back entrance through Belfield Office Park might be a good option for you. Once you have your UCard, you can also apply to use the secure bicycle parking areas:
Thank you very much. Thank you Mathematician for the suggested route from town. How could I work out a safe cycling route from Drumcondra to the southside? Maybe if the cars are taken out of the city centre from August the commute might be safer and quicker.

What you do is practice the route on a quiet Sunday. You don't have to go direct. Take the quieter secondary roads, cut through estates etc. Cycle slowly, take your time. If unsure at junctions, dismount and walk across. Use google maps and select cycling to to find different routes.

When I was cycling to work, I took a route that 10 mins slower. Because I felt it was a nicer cycle, away from busier roads and awkward junctions.

Also beforehand practice fixing a puncture in your garden with only the tools in your bag. Also I used to avoid routes that frequently had glass or debris that caused punctures.
Cycling through the city centre is dangerous, I wouldn't do it. Take any bus from Drumcondra to the city centre (they run every couple of minutes) and then any bus towards Belfield (also very frequent). It's much faster than taking the dart

Statistically walking through the city is more dangerous than taking a bus. In fact any exercise is more dangerous than sitting on your couch.

I will say some of the busier roads are best suited to experienced cyclists. But you don't have to cycle the busy roads. There's a lot of cycle paths now which make it a lot easier and safer.
There a bit of work to having the right clothing, wet gear, locks, lights, etc for cycling. You spend a bit of time getting ready to cycle and locking the bike at the destination. So its likely a bus is probably going to similar time, convenient. But I'd much prefer to be cycling than standing on a crowded bus than a train. But you can't always cycle.

Cycling is unaffected by missed buses or traffic. So very consistent time wise.

You can pick up a used folding bike quite cheap as people often buy them and don't use them. You could also just hire a Dublin bike, even an electric bike to test the route.

Also get a helmet and hiz Viz vest. They are cheap. I think the danger without them is over completely exaggerated by people who don't cycle. But if it gives you more confidence why not. If you look at people cycling in Holland, no helmets, no hi viz and just people in ordinary clothes. Its normalized.