Travel entitlements in work - advice needed


Registered User

I have been recently seperated (3 months ago) and am struggling finincially.
My job has always involved travel and I have been paid mileage only for my expenses.
however I can no longer afford to pay tax and insurance on my car. This is due to the seperation and also because my job has been cut to 3 days a week.
It has got to the point i can no longer drive the car or I risk being prosecuted. On top of this my employer has underpaid me for mileage this month - I have mentioned this to him and he has promised to put it right but nothing so far.
I cannot do my job without a car but need to know if my employer is obliged to pay some of my tax and insurance. Also how much is the going rate for mileage?

Do you receive a cash allowance for a car?
Is it in your contract that you need access to a car for work?
What mileage rate do you receive?

If you receive cash allowance for your car, or your contract for the job states that you need to have access to a car then i don't think you have any grounds. Is there a company car schemen you could opt into? Depending on the BIK it could be worth considering.....or perhaps a pool car system?

Perhaps you could persuade your employer to pay your underpaid mileage through petty cash asap, or could they advance you some money to purchase tax/insurance and you pay back over a certain time period? (not sure what tax implications are for this).
Hi flossie,

Thanks for your reply.
No I do not receive a cash allowance for the car and it does not state in my contract that I need a car for my work. However this was understood when i took the job. Originally it was full time and then paying tax and insurance wasn't such a problem.
My mileage allowance is currently 50c per mile.
I have already told my employer I was underpaid for my mileage and asked for it to be corrected asap.
I have sent an email to my employer this evening outlining my circumstances and asking for a meeting about it.
Best of luck with the meeting, prepare a spreadsheet outlining your income vs work related outgoings (car, insurance etc.).

Let us know how you get on.....
Hi flossie,

Well the lowdown is I spoke to my boss about my situation and told him I could not afford the tax and insurance of this car anymore. He just said he had no company vans available at the moment and that was it.
No offer to help out with my predicament so I am expected to somehow come up with a solution on my own it seems.
All you can do now is get to work without your car and when asked to do some driving just say you have no car today.