Transporting home heating oil to new location


Registered User
My parents had oil central heating. The system clapped out recently (due to age) so they decided to replace it with gas central heating. However, they still have approx. 500 litres of home heating oil in a tank in the garden which is useless to them.

I have oil central heating in my house, so my parents have told me I can have their oil.

What is the easiest way to transport this oil? I asked the oil company that delivers my home heating oil (who also supplied my parents, so the oil in the tank originates with them) if they could transport it using one of their delivery tankers for a small fee, but they said it is not possible as modern tankers can only pump oil out of the tanker, not in.

The only other option I can think of is buying small plastic containers and making dozens of trips - my oil tank fills from the top, so cannot use a container bigger that I can physically lift. I'm aware that there is specialist equipment you can buy/rent to pump small amounts of oil and similar liquid, but the cost of this would be more than the value of the home heating oil.

Anyone any suggestions?
You can buy a small hand pump (not sure of exact name -try a hardware store or plumber) cheap enough which would allow you to extract the oil from your parents tank into plastic drums/gerry cans, etc.... The guys who pinch oil from people probably use these pumps!! Otherwise syphon it using a rubber hose.

You can fill the drums full or as mush as you can lift into your car. Just keep one half full. Go to your tank. Get a good large funnel and empty the half drum into your tank. Then empty half of one of the full drums into the empty drum using your funnel again. Empty this half full drum into your tank, etc...

Use plastic gloves and bad clothes and plenty of newspaper as there will be some spillage and splashes... I promise!!
Your home heating oil supplier may suck it back out and give you credit for it if you're a good customer.