Transport 21


Registered User
I know this is a bit late and also that it is not strictly a financial question, but what does anyone think about the transport initiative of the millenium as announced (allbeit very sketchily) last week. I for one am extremely disappointed by it. I think it is shortsighted, short on detail and insufficient in any case.:(
ClubMan said:
A bit like your critical response to it so?

Very good, just wanted to throw the topic out there and see what the general mood was? Actually was'nt going to make my feelings known at all!
I think Fintan O'Toole summed it up reasonably well when he talked the other day about having to look forward to it "with more hope than expectation" (can't link, sorry - I'm at home now and can't use the workplace's subscription).

Personally, I'll be very little affected (directly) by the success or otherwise of the initiative. But as a voter/taxpayer (and parent of future voter/taxpayers who will be), I'm staggered that a piece of pre-electoral fluff like this can pass for a considered transport strategy. I foresee another major PR "backfire" for the current administration, in the run-up to the next elections... but — as with "Transport 21", only time will tell.
There is a very good thread on this in the Transport/Commuting forum on All the pros and cons you could wish for on the issue.

Personally speaking, based on where I live now, it'll be 2015 (when the interconnector is built) before I see any benefits.

It's good to see other areas of Dublin having access to rail/LUAS/metro/whatever, and the commuters in Navan and Cork. The West? Time will tell. Hopefully the Ennis/Claremorris link will benefit the towns it runs through, but I would be sceptical (I'm not trying to deny the West a fair shake here, I just don't know what would attract people to Claremorris????).

As has been pointed out, the Dublin plan still misses out areas like Rathfarnham/Templeogue/Terenure and also Finglas.

The IE ads at the moment make me sick (Double the number of passengers etc. Ronnie Drew's stupid mug all over the place). I use the DART twice a day, 5 days a week, and different time each day. I have yet to experience the wonderous 8 carriage DARTs, and congestion is as bad as ever. Roll on 2015 (when I'm sure that any improvements will have been overtaken by population growth?)
But does'nt the DART really need advertising, I would imagine that numbers using the service have rocketed since the ads started:rolleyes:
Glenbhoy said:
But does'nt the DART really need advertising, I would imagine that numbers using the service have rocketed since the ads started:rolleyes:

Yeah, sure. There were thousands waiting for the addition of 2 extra carriages to a handful of services before they would leave the car at home or get off the bus :rolleyes:.