Transfers from a PRB


Registered User
Just checking.....

1. If I have a large PRB, can this be transferred into a PRSA (or multiple PRSAs) currently? If not, are there plans in the pipeline to change this?

2. Can I transfer my PRB into smaller PRBs to facilitate phased withdrawal of my pension benefits?
No and no unfortunately.

If you have a new employment you could transfer it to the scheme there and move it onto the prsa when you leave the job. However, that may not fit in with what you want to achieve now.

For 1. It is actually written in law but not enacted. It is also a recommendation to government
Thanks Oisin,

Much appreciated.

I'm from Kerry but you're out-Kerrying a Kerryman here!:)

For 1. It is actually written in law but not enacted.

To be serious, what exactly does this mean?

Also, just to be clear, are you saying that allowing transfers to PRSAs from PRBs has been recommended to government? Is the recommendation available/accessible?

Thanks again,

Thanks a million, Oisin - that's brilliant and very helpful.

When I say brilliant - I mean it's good to know - even though the current position is not what I want.

I have no clue why the section in question has not been commenced? Is there any logic to it? [It seems like a no-brainer just to do it.......what Minister should I write to?!]