Transferring Video to DVD


Registered User
Does anyone know of anywhere cheap that I could transfer a Family Video to DVD in South Dublin. I have a TV/video combo and DVDR but cannot get it to pick up videos that are being played on it.
I have a TV/video combo and DVDR but cannot get it to pick up videos that are being played on it.
What exactly do you mean by "pick up"? If you tune the DVDR into the VCR output channel or connect directly via SCART then surely you should be able to record? On the other hand Macrovision copy protection might not be an issue (e.g. giving poor duplicate quality)?
What exactly do you mean by "pick up"? If you tune the DVDR into the VCR output channel or connect directly via SCART then surely you should be able to record? On the other hand Macrovision copy protection might not be an issue (e.g. giving poor duplicate quality)?

It a DVD/TV combination as in all in one - DVDR picks up the station on the TV but cannot pick up the Video when it is playing and yes they are connected by Scart lead.

Gebbel thanks for that website might use them.