Transferring of Farm to joint names


Registered User
Hi all, my father owns a 50 acre farm which he leases . The farm is solely in his name but which will be passed to my mother on his death. My solicitor has recommended that the farm is transferred into joint names which will avoid the need for a mini grant of probate in the event that my father predeceases my mother . The charge for transferring the farm into joint names is €2300 net of vat . Is this a worth while exercise . Would really appreciate any informed legal advice . Thanks
If your father thinks it's worth paying that money to save your mother hassle and cost in getting the farm transferred into her name after her demise, he should pay it and get it done.

If he considers it not sufficiently worthwhile, he should either drop the idea or seek a lower price from another solicitor.

Thanks for your reply . Our solicitor whilst good can be pricey . It would be interesting to know what the charge would be to complete the process if my dad does predecease my mum . It would be myself who would do the majority of the dealings with the solicitor on my mums behalf . I guess I could simply ask him . Thanks so much
If I were in your shoes I wouldn't be basing the decision solely on money. I think Brendan's point above is wise in that regard.