Transferring money abroad


Registered User
I have an bank account in another European Country (Euro zone) and want to set up a standing order for a fixed amount each month from my current account here to that account. I called my bank (BoI) and asked them how to go about doing this and was informed that it is not possible to set up a standing order from an Irish bank to another foreign bank. I would have to physically gointo the bank and fill out the relevant forms - I would have to do this EVERY MONTH. Talk about being back in the dark ages. The lady on the phone told me that in light of all the foreign nationals in Ireland that it will be coming on line but couldn't tell me when.

I am at a loss completely to understand how on earth they cannot set this up as a continuous payment. Surely it can't be that difficult. I am able to do it no problem from my foreign account to my Irish one. Are Irish banks so backward????
Thanks a million. Just checked out their site and it looks fairly straight forward. Definitely going to move to AIB - BoI need to get their act together.
Would anyone how to move money from PTSB to an Oz bank account when living in Oz?I aim to be over there for 6 months living and working.
Would anyone how to move money from PTSB to an Oz bank account when living in Oz?I aim to be over there for 6 months living and working.

I called into PTSB to enquie about getting a Swift capable online account and was told it was not possible. NIB was the only one I found.
Thanks a million. Just checked out their site and it looks fairly straight forward. Definitely going to move to AIB - BoI need to get their act together.

AIB were smart to introduce the 'code card' which allows easy transfer of money abroad. It just got them another customer.
Would anyone how to move money from PTSB to an Oz bank account when living in Oz?I aim to be over there for 6 months living and working.

[broken link removed] may be of help to you.
Simple, do a transfer once on the online AIB site, save the details and voila, it's there for anytime you wish to transfer. I do not believe that there is any bank offering a facility to set up a Standing Order to an International account, there are a lot of complexities involved, and timeframes etc cannot be guaranteed. S/O's by definition must leave on a certain date, for a certain amount, and be in the benificiary account on a very definite day. But, with Currency fluctuations, routing banks, etc, to be dealt with, it really would not work.

Any Bank that states otherwise is talking pants.