Transferring Audio Tapes to MP3 format


Registered User
Is there a yoke I can buy so that I can transfer my audio tapes onto my PC and listen to them then on the PC? I'm using XP.

These tapes are not available to buy on CD and I'd like to put them in MP3 format so I'd have the option of putting them on an MP3 player and I also am afraid of them getting stuck in the tape player and being lost for evermore.

I did this by using the mic input on my laptop, and then recording using MusicMatch software on the laptop. A simple phono cable between tape player and mic input.

Did this with LPs as well.

All very good, but doing this way you're stuck with the poor quality sound. Though MusicMatch did clean it up a bit.

there was an insert in Wednesday's Irish Times for various gadgets, one of which was a device to do just this. However I binned my copy so can't remember what badge is on it.
The gizmo is available at (Quote ITDS5072). The brand was ADS Tech. €79.95. I got something similar in Argos, similar price if I recall correctly.

There is also a VHS to DVD convertor, doesn't mention needing a video card, for €139.95.
Thanks for the replies. That sounds a bit pricey CCOVICH.
I got a software download from your google link Clubman and it says I should be able to just plug in a flex from a normal walkman to the line in of the pc. I've done this but it says that it's getting no input.
I've settled for using the mic port like you did ronan d. it's not the best quality but is good enough for free I guess.
The signal from the headphone output on walkman won't be of a sufficient level to connect it to a line input without the use of a pre-amp. A mic input is much more sensitive.
Aha - so that's my problem. Thanks Leo. I'll check out getting a pre-amp in town.
Does anyone know if you can do this for HI8 Camcorder tapes....I need to get them onto DVD,my old camcorder is not worth fixing,but I've 5 years of family video to save before I go digital.I've looked on the web and I don't want to
A:Send my tapes to somebody I don't know to do it for me
B:Buy a piece of equipment I'll only use once.
I do have a PC,but how to I transfer to it?

You may not be able to do this without purchasing some equipment. I doubt a HI8 camcorder has firewire and in any event not all PC's have these ports so that is likely out. Your best bet might be if you have already have a TV tuner card installed as you could probably hook up to it's inputs and use software to record from this source though the quality might not be as great as with a dedicated device. Otherwise I can't see any way around purchasing some sort of video capture accessory.
pennypincher - are doing a €50 special next Thursday on the gear that might do the trick in case that's of any use to you.
Brilliant results from this but the only thing I haven't succeeded in doing is numbering the tracks when they go from tape onto CD. I have gone into editor and haven't found the answer. Anybody out there done this successfully
brokeparent said:
Brilliant results from this
From what? The Aldi gadget?

but the only thing I haven't succeeded in doing is numbering the tracks when they go from tape onto CD. I have gone into editor and haven't found the answer. Anybody out there done this successfully
Can you explain in more detail the process for converting including the software that your are using?
Sorry Clubman for not being more precise. I was merely referring to success with the title of the thread - transferring Audio tapes to MP3 format. I haven't bought any of the gadgets. I downloaded the free 14 day trial of Polderbits software. I use a roughly one eight inch thick stereo line from the phone out point on the cassette player into similar lead to the line in point on the computer. The leads are gold coloured and cost about €15 in I think compustore. the sound quality is very good when transferred but it would be great if I could get the tracks numbered. I am currently using the editing facility with Polderbits but I haven't cracked it. Thanks again.
What do you mean by numbering the tracks? Is each track not saved as a separate MP3 file?
When I press 1 on a commercial cd it plays track no. 1. If I want to start at no. 7 I just press 7 and it comes on automatically. This doesn't happen with the cd's produced from copying. I don't know whether each track is saved as an individual mp3 file. As these tapes I am transferring are for use with schoolchildren i do want to be able to pick and choose the tracks at will.