Training pups to poo in a designated spot in my garden



Hi im gettin two new pups and was wondering would it be possible to train them to poo in a designated spot in my in a corner ...because the garden will be wrecked with it and i dont want that...any suggestions... Tanx
There's all sorts of advice on this on the web and I had no joy with most of it. The best I managed was to stop the flower beds being used as the toilet. Then, as the months went by, she got into a routine and luckily her preferred spots were acceptable. By the way a bored dog does more damage (digging, running around in the winter ripping up sods with her claws as she corners at speed etc) to a garden than dog poo so make sure your pups get plenty of exercise. Also young pups will chew anything they can get their teeth into, decking, garden furniture so I'd recommend plenty of chew toys and unless you have angels giving them bones as treats will only result in hole digging. Best of luck.
There was a thread here in the last couple of weeks on that exact subject - see .

Try using the search function to check in toilet training etc. have been discussed here before - they most likely have.

Also try Animal/Pet Issues thread and use their search facility also.

These Search facility thingies are yer only man...:D
If you do not have the time and energy to take young dogs out (i.e. to a sizeable field/park where they can exercise in every sense of the word including defacate - then don't get them! Every other garden in every major city appears to contain chained, bored, barking, abused (dogs are 'pack' animals who get - literally! - broken-hearted when deprived of company) animals who would be better off dead.
eh sorry marie take a deep breath for a second...we are massive dog lovers and these pups will be out every day for walks i am only concerned about the times during the day when they are running around our MASSIVE back garden..we have two young kids also and i was concerned that about having them surrounded by dog poo while they are on the swings...of course im not expecting them to poo like robots on que in the corner or like the cat in the film " meet the parents " ...anyone know where i can get a strong chain and some whips ? :)
aaahh poo...what next......

(By the often do you recommend I should change the water in my goldfish tank!)
Sean - dogs, like most animals, naturally seek an area as far as possible from their sleeping/living quarters to defaecate and urinate. My apologies if I misunderstood (and I confess I still don't understand!) your question. If you are taking the dogs 'out' for walks they won't need or want to use your lawn or rose-border as a toilet.
But of course you do still have a legal & moral obligation to clean up what your puppies will leave behind in the park and make sure it isn't a health or hygiene hazard.
Marie, Young pups under the age of 12 weeks cannot be brought into contact with other dogs and my vet has told me not to bring ours for a walk until 14-16weeks after which final injections should have kicked in so perhaps it is this period the original OP wsa referring to?
Plus, not every dog will go if you bring them for a walk, mine has never gone outside of the house irrespective of time of day when she's walked.