trainee solictor


Registered User
Hi guys,
Am I mad to be considering doing my FE-1's and thinking of being a solictor, I know lots are unemployed.

I already have an english law degree,( I know that is not really relevant)
and a diploma in irish law.
and some thing cant remember whether a cert or diploma in Sharai Law
I have other post grad qualifications, health and safety, engineering etc

I also volunteer with citizen information office, covering everything, inc consumer problems, employment problems, and even solictor problems.

I know there is little work for solictors but for some crazy reason it seems like a likely progression for me.

I have been told by a solictor if i get my fe-1s he will train me as per law society guidelines.

I am almost 50 .

I do not consider myself bright and have to work hard to get things done, and my spelling is terrible.

Am I mad?
You might not consider yourself bright but you seem to have a good deal of relevant and useful qualifications. Also we could do with a few more modest individuals in the profession. ;)

If it's what you want, go for it. But keep the day job, just in case, if possible.
I am more than 50 and am in law all my working life. Consider expanding on your engineering qualification. More opportunities in more places than in law imho.

Look through the discussion boards on the recent scramble to get PI insurance - that is just one example of the current difficulties in law.
It's a long and difficult road to qualification and then post qualification too. A bit of luck is needed here and there as well.

If you are determined then go for it but talk to as many practitioners as you can. Get to work for a few weeks in that solicitor's office to see the day to day reality...

long hours, whinging clients, opposition's solicitors constantly on your back and you on theirs, working to deadlines that often only appear that same day, running a Circuit or High Court trial and a couple settlement meetings over lunch on the same day!!

It's an art to juggle it all but rewarding at times.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
I might do the fe-1s just to keep my options open. As far as i remember i have 8 to do, that should keep me busy for a while. Yes I read in the Gazett some time back about the difficulty getting PI insurance.