Traffic Travel Time Lucan to Airport


Registered User
Hi guys,
could anybody help me with a travel time estimate. I am taking a short haul flight with Ryanair at 11:50 Friday morning. I am driving from Lucan village. What time should I leave at and should I take the M50 or drive backroads through Blanch?

I would take M50. You should have a good idea of time from Lucan to toll bridge - but if you leave the house @ 9.30 you should be after most of rush hour traffic. Say 20 minutes from toll bridge to airport long term park, another 20 minutes from car park to terminal and the check-in (is it 1 hour for those short haul flights?). You should be at the airport by 10.30 at the latest.
Hope he got there. I don't know if it's just me but lately no matter what time I hit the N4 it's backed up to the Spa Hotel. Yesterday I got there about 2pm and didn't get to the roundabout at M50 till 2.40pm. When there's a clear road it would only take 10 minutes.

I used to go out after 9.30am as previous suggested but find in the last few weeks it's still as busy.

What are the roadworks aiming to do? Anyone know, and will it make any difference. I don't think they're causing any hassle with the traffic at the moment. The main problem seems to be around Liffey Valley, traffic can't get down the slip road.
I agree the last few weeks the N4 and the M50 have become horrendous.

The backroads through Blanch to the M50 would have been better.
Cheers guys. Got there for plenty of time. Only barely made it home alive from savage stag weekend in Hamburg but thats another story............