Traffic problems? - due to lazy kids

Have yet to face up to that one - note the use of 'paid-work' parent as opposed to 'working parent'. My wife who gave up her career to be at home with the kids would deck me for referring to her as not being a 'working parent' .
i think the vast majority of kids that live within 2 kilometres could walk/be walked or cycle to school.if the route is genuinely unsafe get on to your local politicians to make it safer,most routes are safe though. as for the paedophiles ,can you name any case of this happening in last decade in dublin?? kids are usually safe enough in day time on city streets.
bearishbull said:
.. most routes are safe though. as for the paedophiles ,can you name any case of this happening in last decade in dublin??

That's a Freakonomics type question. There is a perception that kids are safer being driven to school, as opposed to walking, but do stats exist to support that view ? Similarly, parents choose to drive SUVs as they are 'safer' but, again, has this been quantified ?

In Freakonomics, they argue that a house with a swimming pool is far more dangerous a place for a child to visit than one where guns are kept. And they offer up stats to support their argument.

FWIW - our children are driven to school when it could be walked in 10 minutes along safe residential roads. Often, it's the weather that influences the choice to drive.
TarfHead said:
it's the weather that influences the choice to drive.

dont get me started on wet mornings..........every one seems to run for their car when we have a bit of rain
bazermc - I can just see the scenario on school days - there you are sitting in your car looking out the window and fuming at all the school children being driven to school and other people making non-essential trips and blocking the roads - and there all the other car drivers sitting in their cars looking out their windows and fuming at all the school children and other people (like you) . . . . kinda goes round in a circle.


zag said:
bazermc - I can just see the scenario on school days - there you are sitting in your car looking out the window

not really i drive a motorbike to work and cycle the odd time now the weather is getting better..........if i was in a car i would have killed myself long ago
Bearishbull, re your unsafe routes....I spent the best part of the last decade hounding my local co co, TDs, Councillors etc., to improve the roads/pedestrian access etc.,

Traffic lights were put up 5 years ago at the junction I referred to, but are still not working (local political interests).

Pedestrian lights were installed on one of the main roads, just a year before my youngest child finished primary school.

There is still no traffic warden out side the primary school - despite it being located on a major commuter route.

The footpath is still located on alternate sides of the road - forcing the pedestrian to cross the road.

Sometime you just lose heart.....