Traffic problems? - due to lazy kids


Registered User
why was the traffic non existent this morning in my area and beyond when it is usually mayhem at 8.30ish?

because the kids are on easter break for the next two weeks...
why cant' kids get themselves to school on there own? either walk or cycle as i did not to many years ago instead they have to be driven everywhere by either mammy or daddy i can understand small kids and people living far away from schools need to be driven but its just madness and lazy no wonder 2/3 of the country is overweight

roll on the summer when they are off for 3 months
The country also needs a proper school bus system, like they have in the US. I think some of the reduction in traffic can also be down to parents having to take time off to look after the kids, so it isn't all down to laziness.
Probably true (lazy kids AND lazy parents).

On my 10 min. walk to the DART each day I pass a house where a car leaves to drive the little darlings to the station, passing me again on the way back. What's wrong with walking ?
I've noticed a fair few taxis taking kids on the school run around the leafy suburbs of Dublin 4 recently.

But I did notice one tall gangly 13 year old walking to school. The reason I noticed him was the small petite Filipino (or similar ethnic extraction) maid walking with him, carrying his schoolbag to the gates of the school for him. She was smaller than him, btw.

ha ha! i use to be a tall gangly 13 year old that use to walk to school did not have a maid though!
Lazy Kids, Kids getting Taxis !!. Kids are young goats aren't they !! Lets get back to calling them what they are - Children.

Imagine a young goat getting a taxi to school ! I mean, how would they pay !!!!!!!!!!
yes i agree i hate the term kids but I think wasters (in this context) is probably also offensive.

I used to get a school bus at 8am - waited at the side of the road in all weathers and then when we got to the station walked maybe .25 of a mile to the school. Could i sue the state - who provided the bus service because i was at school a half hour early and now have an awful affliction of not being able to sleep past 7.30 without hearing the sounds of my mother banging on the radiator pipes to get me up in my dreams?
If it were children we were talking about 5-12 i would probably think the journey was justified (ok only with the mothers car pooling) but i pass a secondary school on my way to work each morning with parents dropping off teenagers in the most dangerous spots to be closest to the school gates. I mean come on, if their legs work for hockey / basketball / ruggers or football surely dropping them within a mile radius where it is safe to do so without causing maximum disruption to traffic flow is not so crazy an idea.

These mornings it has been bliss driving to work - so i say homeschooling all the way to curb the traffic problem
If we had an organised, safe, punctual, school bus system then this would not be an issue.
Many children cannot walk to school and many parents, quite rightly would not want them to.
A lot of roads are not suitable for cycling on.
It has been bliss the last few mornings.....
Agree Bamhan, a system such as the yanks have would seem to work well here - once again though it costs money and our taxes are low.
One of the main factors with this system is that schools start well before the normal commute I think, thus the buses are'nt on the road when the rest of us are commuting. Let's just hope the driver aint Otto!!
I must say though, Monday and today have been amongst the worst days I've had commuting in the past year.
Today was a nightmare journey for me too for some reason, has the Easter Shopping bonanza started?
Bamhan said:
Today was a nightmare journey for me too for some reason, has the Easter Shopping bonanza started?

Strange i nipped into work this morning in no time
I've lost count of the number of times I've 'done' this argument.....when my children were in primary school (and they are not that long out of it), the nearest school was just under 2 miles away so I didn't qualify for the school bus.

In any event, for them to walk to school would have required them to cross one major road twice (footpath was on alternate sides of the road) and negotiate an intersection of another 3 main roads, none of which had any safe crossings be that zebra crossings, pedestrian lights or what have you, before they finally reached the school and had to cross the road again - no traffic warden outside the school.

Not surprisingly, I wasn't about to allow a young child walk to school when it wasn't safe, cycling was out for much the same reason. Walking the child to school myself - whilst it would no doubt have been great exercise - would have entailed a 4 mile round trip taking at least 45-50 mins and I still have to get to work.

Private bus option cost (at the time) €12 per week, no seatbelts or supervision; tried it for a while but stopped when my (then 6 yr old) daughter was beaten by 2 older children.

So tell me, of the above options, what would you really choose?
Not to mention that even if the trip to school was on a lovely quiet road, theres always the risk some pervert will try to interfere with your children. In an ideal world children should be able to walk to school. Bloody world is far from ideal though.
Your child is far more likely to be abused by a family member or someone known to you than by the bogey-man stranger pervert on the street.
Ref the US school bus system; your children have to go to the school that the bus which passes your house goes to. You have no choice as a parent unless you want to pay thousands to send them to a private school.
Your child is far more likely to be abused by a family member or someone known to you than by the bogey-man stranger pervert on the street.

Er, so I should rely on statistics and let my child walk the road alone? I don't think so. Its a self perpetuating argument in any case- the more children walking the road alone, the more chance of them being abused by whoever, the less, the less...
apart from buses, why dont schools start at an alternative time to your average job? granted, primary schools cant because kids rely on parents to get them to school. but surely secondarly level school children are capable of getting themselves to school by themselves? say if secondary school started at 10 and finished at 4.45?
Vanilla said:
Er, so I should rely on statistics and let my child walk the road alone? I don't think so. Its a self perpetuating argument in any case- the more children walking the road alone, the more chance of them being abused by whoever, the less, the less...
You could use the same logic to conclude that you don't send kids to school at all, given the number of paedophiles found to have been operating as teachers. Should we just lock the children up in cotton wool cages and never let them leave the house?

Why don't jobs start at an alternative time to your average school?
bazermc said:
why was the traffic non existent this morning in my area and beyond when it is usually mayhem at 8.30ish?

because the kids are on easter break for the next two weeks...

roll on the summer when they are off for 3 months

I was one of the reasons there was less traffic on the roads last week. Not because I'm a lazy schoolkid, but cos I'm a parent of two who are off for two weeks so this is an ideal time for paid-work parents to take time off work and do other things.

It's not all school runs and yummy mummies - we're in holiday season so there are less people commuting to and from work.