Traffic Offence



Hi There,

I'm wondering if someone could advise me.

I got pulled over by a Garda today driving home from work. He said I was speeding on the motorway. I was doing the same speed as the cars infront of me which was in or around the speed limit.

I am unclear if he is booking me for speeding or not as he did not give me a form of any sort. He just said that he would be in touch. Should I be expecting a notification of a fine & points in a few weeks? I would have expected to be given something from him there & then. As it stands now it is his word against mine. He was driving his own personal car so he has no way of capturing my speed.

Sounds to me like you may have done something else to annoy him if he pulled you over off duty. I think this is frowned upon nowadays if they are off duty. Was there any means to identify him? His number on his shoulder or did he give you his name or say where he was stationed?
I don't think I'd worry about it too much to be honest.
Are you sure it was his personal car? Could it have been an unmarked car with cameras installed?

Not to scare you or anything
I would be quiet confident that it was his personal car as it was a BMW! He also had the music really loud which I thought was a bit odd.
Maybe I did do something else to annoy him but he wasn't very clear on things when we spoke. He is part of the traffic division & I do have his name. I will just have to wait & see if anything comes in the post over the coming weeks. Many thanks for replying.
just to clear this up.
1.this is not frowned upon pulling someone over...
2.did he identify himself with his Warrant card ( badge)
3. did he has a speed gun and show you the speed?
4. as someone else mentioned you ma have done something to mmake him angry, but this doesnt meritt what he did to do.
5. do not worry on bit about what he did.
i had a run in with an off duty guy,he was very reluctant to show me his warrant card and was aggressive and rude,he blamed me and i blamed him,he insisted i should go to a station with my documentation,i went to his station immediately and spoke with his seargent.It was all sorted out within a half hour..Even off duty if they want to uphold the law they have to act in a courteous manner.If you feel he did not,you should speak to his superior.
without a doubt gardaí should treat you with mmanners. i know sometimes they can get very angry with what they see but if they are quick to pull you over they should be quicker to identify themselves
How did he pull you over? Did he have siren and/or beacon? Did the car have an insurance disc?
He waved his hand initially when he was parallel to me & I ignored him. I had no way of knowing that he was a guard. When I went up the slip road off the motorway, he sat on his horn behind me. At that point I got out & went over to him to see what the story was. He then showed me his badge.

Anyway, I am not going to worry about it. Will wait & see what happens in the future.