Traffic lights on Beaver Row, Clonskeagh


Registered User
I'm sorry but I really have to let off steam about the traffic lights located at the business park on Beaver Row in Clonskeagh. There are obviously there to aid the traffic exiting the park during the working week which is fine. However, I pass this road several times every weekend and I always have to stop at these lights for quite a time while no cars exit the park.
Does anyone know if it is possible to install timing devices on traffic lights so at the weekend, they are green for the business park for the minimum amount of time. Ideally they would have sensors attached so they would only go green if someone was actually waiting to exit.
I'm sure there are other cases of this around the city.
I sent a mail last week to
but have no reply as yet.
Anyone else feel like joining in the rant?!
I'm pretty sure that some traffic lights have different flows depending on the time/day. There is a set I'm thinking of where I've noticed that sometimes they stay on green for quite a long time and other times (usually late evening) they switch very quickly. Was only thinking this the other day but of course can't remember know which lights it was. Probably around the Harolds Cross area - possibly the five road crossroads at Kenilworth.
Helen said:
Ideally they would have sensors attached so they would only go green if someone was actually waiting to exit.

These types of sensors do exist for traffic lights. I've seen them in action. They're under the road leading up to the lights so will only trigger lights when someone drives over it.
I don't think the Dept of Transport have responsibility for specific traffic lights. Contact the Traffic dept at Dublin City Council. Some local councillors might be able to help.