Traffic cones in Phoenix Park


Registered User
Anyone know why the parking inside the main gate has been coned off?
LIke this for the last 2 days. Ryder cup couldnt be effecting things that far out could it.
Re: Traffic Cones in Phoneix Park

might be something to do with the half marathon at the weekend??
Doubt if its the half marathon as that starts/end at castlenock end, and it does not come down to the main gate at any stage. Anyway AFAIK, they never put up cones for these races until the morning of the race.
They put the cones out every now and down so that they can clean those gutters with one of those truck thingys that drives alongside the kerb with it's brushes/jets. They usually section of one side of road for 2 days then switch for the other 2. They do the sectioning off the evening before cleaning begins.
cheers Gianni, thats a relief i thought they were gonna stop the parking down that end and id have to walk an extra 10 mins in the morning. all makes sense now.