Traffic assessment & fire safety


Registered User
Hey All

I am wondering if its possible to get a traffic assessment report? In the apartment complex i live in there is a shop at the entrance to our building. It causes huge problems for residents trying to get into their homes in the evening time as the car park for the shop is right at the entrance. The car park is very small and there is no turning room for cars so its constantly packed.

I thought i could if i could get someone out to assess it, maybe that would help us in our fight against the developer? Anyone know how i would go about this?

Also our fire protection service ran out in Jan and our management company has not paid for a new contract. In our carpark the extinguishers are nearly all empty from kids getting in and messing with them, there are safety pins missing from most of them - this has to be a fire hazard - Is there a way i could get a fire safety officer out to assess the building?

Cheers all
Your management company has an obligation to observe fire safety regulations. Maintining fire extingishers inside a building is no more optional than having fire exit doors and keeping them clear.

Ring your local Fire Station and ask for their safety officer.

thanks Zag, ill get on to them today

Any ideas about traffic/risk assessment?
You could try having a look at the planning file for the shop (or your development) to see if there were any specific provisions put in with regard to parking & sight lines. If there were any then it might be possible to have them enforced.

write to the roads dept of the local council about the traffic problem. A local councillor should also have a clinic where you can raise these issues, Its basically a local authority problem and I would be surprised if they are not already aware of it, the more residents that complain about it the more likely they are to do something about it
as far as the fire safety is concerned get in contact with either your local authority or try to contact the chief fire officer in your local fire station.i know my boss does checks on certain premises even at peak time to check on regulations and capacity etc