Trading in an old car


Registered User
Hi Guys,

I'm driving an old 1997 Polo (NCT up this month) and am looking to trade it in against a 2nd hand car. I'm just wondering, since this car is really not worth that much to anyone, woud a dealer/garage get any kind of price for it as scrap? I'm just wondering if I can use it to negotiate any kind of reduction on the price of the new purchase.

Also, if I can't get a garage to take it, what will I do with it?


IMHO if its roadworthy you should do the NCT on it and give/sell it to someone you know who is learning to drive. In this way they have a handy car they can bump off a few things w/o anyone getting too upset and you get rid of the car. I did this recently and found it a good way to "recycle" a car!

I would say a dealer might take it and give you few hundred for it (prob max 400/500), if its in good condition.
I did think about that, but honestly, I would be afraid of it being in an accident and then being wracked with guilt. Maybe that's silly.

It's not really in great condition. Big dent in the door and the exhaust has just started to make an awful noise....
In a similar situation recently; basically all garages said they'd give me about 1k cash discount on any car I want, but if I brought my old car, they'd give me 1k off anyway; i.e. the car was worth zero to them.

its since passed the NCT, so I figure if its worth zero now, it'l be still worth zero in a year, so I held on to it :)
That's interesting.....just as an aside, and maybe this is a dumb question, but does 'cash only' actually mean notes or would a cash cheque do?

I don't really fancy the idea of walking around with €5k in hard cash:eek:
Cash means - straight deal with no trade in (not actual cash). In your case you should get a straight cash price on the car your buying, do the NCT on your old car and sell it cheaply. This will give you the best deal on your new car. You will find if you trade it in you will pay a higher price on your newer car with a trade in. There are always people looking for cheap run arounds so you'll sell your car easy enough.
As Ceatharlach said .... do a straight deal for cash and sell your car on donedeal (or equivalent) ..... sell it either with or without NCT but sell 'as is'.

You'll do better this way.