Trading in a 05 car for a 03 car


Registered User
Just a quick question..... has anyone ever traded in a car and bought a lower value car.

I have a 05 Jeep which I need to sell as I want to trade down to a 03 Passat. As the jeep is worth about 20k more than the car would any garge take my jeep as a trade in and give me 20k along with the 03 car.

Would be interested to hear if anyone has ever done this??

Re: Trading in a 05 car for a 03 car !!!

Why do it simultaneously. Sell the jeep privately then as a cash customer negotiate for the new car.
Re: Trading in a 05 car for a 03 car !!!

I did it in the UK - can't remember the figures now but we got a cheque from the dealer. Maybe selling privately would be more profitable but it's more hassle and you could be without a car for a while.
Re: Trading in a 05 car for a 03 car !!!

Sell it privately. Dealer would only fleece you both ways.... i.e. he'd give you less than 20k cash for your jeep, and wouldn't give you any discount on the Passat.

If you walk into the garage with cash, he could easily knock 1k off the Passat, so bear in mind if you need to sell your jeep quickly, it may be worth letting it go for a little less than you'd like.
Conor et al are correct. It can be done, but you'd not get anyway near the value for your jeep.

Also, is there finance owing on the jeep? Keep this in mind too.
Thanks for the replies. Looks like the best way to go is to sell privately. Reckon it will take ages to sell privately but its the only way to go.

Thanks again.
Get your add in the BuyAndSell or Autotrader and you might sell it quicker than you think. Well thats my experience anyways.