Tradespeople smoking in the House!


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Any tradespeople out there? Can I ask what would be the policy for smoking in client's houses?

Am getting some work done, lads arrived yesterday, just after they arrived, I went down to the local shop to get fresh milk, biscuits, etc so they could have tea during the day.

When I came back, I noticed a distinct smell of cigarette smoke in my kitchen. I dont smoke and no visitors to my home smoke either. There is no ash tray in the house.

I asked if someone was smoking and they looked a bit sheepish before saying, "john opened the window and smoked out the window". I was quite annoyed and said, well nobody smokes in the house, so I don't allow smoking in the house. I reckon both of them had a fag, or else because I dont smoke the smell was n strong to me.

Came down this morning, smell of smoke lingering. Am still quite annoyed over it. They are due back today to finish. Should I deduct the cost of getting the curtains dry cleaned,(which will be quite expensive) or is that being petty! I am going to have to end up getting the curtains cleaned because of this.

I will say that I did not tell them not to smoke, I just assumed that workmen do not smoke without asking, so the subject was never raised.

I have had a fair few bits and pieces done in the house since I moved in last year, and have not had this before.
Should I deduct the cost of getting the curtains dry cleaned,(which will be quite expensive) or is that being petty! I am going to have to end up getting the curtains cleaned because of this.

Hi MandaC,

I dont smoke either and nor do i allow it in the house. I also would be quite annoyed to find that tradesmen were smoking in my house. BUT I do think that you have now given them a talking to and that should be the end of it. If they do it again, its another story. I feel that getting the curtains dry cleaned is a little OTT. Totally your own perogative but I would not ask a discount for this.
Not a tradesperson as such but in my line of work I sometimes have to go into clients homes. As an occassional smoker I would never even think to smoke, even if offered but as a rule I never smoke in front of a client.

Not sure you could extract the cost of dry cleaning but it might be worth a chat with the boss and you might be able to come to some arrangement. Personally I tell anyone who works in my house they are welcome to pop outside if they want to smoke, I usually do this along with an offer of a cup of tea soon after they arrive. Most people look surprised that I mention it because it's a social taboo to simply light up without checking first. I think you got very unlucky this time.
MandaC - Im a smoker (yes yes, hang me now, beat me with sticks, hang a sign on my saying 'social parasite' etc...), and I would NEVER light up in someones home without them making the offer first. If I was working in someones home I absolutely would not smoke at all, except outside (probably out of sight) on a designated break.

As a smoker I find the idea of dry cleaning curtains after one smoking incident in the house a bit OTT - but you know what? Theyre your curtains, its your home, if you feel its warranted then go for it.

I would definitely have a chat with the boss if I were you.
I will say that I did not tell them not to smoke, I just assumed that workmen do not smoke without asking, so the subject was never raised.

IMHO this is the key point, if you had told them that they could not smoke, or to only smoke in the garden, prior to commencing the job, and then the smoken inside, then ok, I would ask them to clean the curtains. However, as you did not and made an assumption, they could turn around and say well if you had told us when we arrived, we could have had a smoke in the garden. So while you can ask for payment, I think they would be justified in saying no.
As a smoker I find the idea of dry cleaning curtains after one smoking incident in the house a bit OTT

As do I. The smell will go completely in a matter of days. It was certainly presumptuous/cheeky of them but if they have got the message and don't do it again I'd let it go TBH.

If they do it again though, I'd have words with the boss.
Maybe I am being OTT saying I want the curtains cleaned. I am happy with the work they are doing apart from this. They only had a chance to have one fag, but I reckon both of them smoked had one in the kitchen/dining room, which is only about 8ftx 13ft. It was when I got up this morning and still got the smell, that I said, right, those curtains need cleaning. It's a brand new house, only a year old, so I don't want the smell of smoke anywhere near it. Maybe I could use febreze to spray the curtains instead, or it will fade with time. Or treat myself to a spicy indian curry, which might get rid of smoke smell anyway!

Still very annoying, though. I am definitely going to mention it when they are finished, even just to let them know that they should not be doing it in other people's homes without asking. My mam and sister both smoke, and would not dream of doing it in my house, in fact neither of them smoke in their own house either, and go out the back or front.

I just did not think of saying, do not smoke in the house, as I havent come across this before, but will know for the next time.

There is no chance of them trying to do it again, they knew I was not a happy camper, so no point in harping on over it. Will just make the point for them going forward when they finish.
I've had a lot of work done recently and that is 100% brazen!! People just don't do that anymore! It's just such an obvious thing that people step outside unless they comfortably know the person and have been given a green light previously!
MandaC, I find burning incense (i know its also smoke but not tobacco smoke) can clear the smell of tobacco smoke off soft furnishings, or try febreeze, shake and vac works too - but I reckon if you leave the windows open the curtains will freshen up themselves in a couple of days.
Will leave all the windows open when I am in the house over the next few days, also I have a lovely Yankee Candle Sun and Sand, which might help also.

To be honest, I never thought of saying that you can't smoke in the house, I just thought given that it is my property, they should not have made the assumption that they could. I will know for the next time.

I have to meet them early afternoon to pay them, so will bring up the subject and see what the reaction is. As I said, so far am happy with the work, so not going to fall out over an isolated incident.
IMO, it will freshen up in a few days. I occasionally smoke but it's outside, I abhore anyone smoking in my home. Funny though before we moved into our new home the contract cleaners were in and as they were cleaning the house they were smoking, they had no english so no point in saying it to them, so I pointed it out to the foreman who got on to their boss.

Fresh paint, they were cleaning and as they cleaned they were smoking - ridiculous ! Though no trace of it now at all.

That is a real cheek. No language barrier in my case, they are Irish. What annoyed me is the fact that the smoking happened when I went specifically to the shop to get nice choccy biscuits, plate of sambos, etc, so they could have a cuppa. Had I been there, I would have seen them light up and put them straight.

Good to know the smell will not linger for long anyway, given that they got to only smoke one each!
Hi, just reading this thread, as far as i know, it is illegal to smoke in your own home if u have workers there, the same goes for your car, when doing your driving test you are not to smoke in your own car for a few hours prior to the test, for the testers benefit! so it is completely ilegal to smoke in your workplace and as your house was there workplace they should not have done it at all.
its obvious they are some bit aware of this as they waited for u to go out rather than having one in the hand going in the front door.Good on ya for telling them tho! id say they were fairly taken aback by this. cheeky buggers tho!
Had the same problem with tradesmen smoking in our house. Our foreman was constantly walking into our house with a cig hanging out of his mouth. Second/third time round I had to tell him off. We were on good enough terms so he took it ok and said it was just out of habit of walking into the other unoccupied houses (in mid build)

Another occasion our tilers smoked in the house and we wquickly told them not too. They didnt listen and decided just to smoke out the window in the spare room. My wife went crazy, she was 7 months pregnant at the time and the room they had smoked in was due to be the nursery.

As ex smokers we knew the smell would go away with a bit of airing. But it was the blatent disragrd of not asking permission so to speak that annoyed us the most.
Good point about it being their workplace - I never viewed it from that angle. Am going to say that to them that it is unfair to put clients in the position that they may be breaking the law by allowing smoking on their premises.
Before I moved in my new build was being used as the builder's canteen -the back garden was full of butts. I am still finding them months later. They also dropped them upstairs before the carpet went down. If the house is unoccupied they will smoke.
Mine is obviously occupied - have worked hard and spent a fortune kitting out the house, at least I know now, lay down the ground rules before any workmen start.

By the way, I am anti smoking - if people want to do it in their own home, fair enough, but I dont think they should be smoking in anyone elses homes, or around any children. I also dont want anyone smoking in my home at all.
It's against the law to smoke in a place of work. Completely unacceptable in my book. Have a word with the boss and leave it at that.