Trademarking A Logo - What Are The Steps?


Registered User
(Hope I have the right section!)

Hi All,

What are the steps for Trademarking a Logo for a new company. A friend is starting a business and has a new logo which he wants to protect.

Is it simple enough or would it be long and drawn out?


Any person or company etc who uses or proposes to use a Trade Mark can apply to register that mark.

An application may be made either before the mark is put in use or afterwards. Generally speaking an application should be made to register a mark as soon as possible to ensure priority over anyone else who applies to register the same or similar mark.

To apply, complete the application form (
Form No. 1). This should then be lodged at the Patents Office. The fee for filing an application may be paid at this time or within one month of that date.

An applicant may pursue his or her application personally or choose to employ the services of a registered
Trade Mark Agent. If an application meets the criteria for registration, it is registered with effect from the date of application.