tracking household expenses


Registered User
Hi all,
would anybody know where to download printables/ software to help with tracking household spending, doing household budgets etc?
I would like to be a bit more organised in this area but don't have a lot of time to spend on it. What do other people use to do this. Is there a better system than a money diary and a bulging box of receipts???

any ideas would be appreciated
Moneydance is quite good. There is a trial download at:

This lets you enter 100 transactions before you need to buy a license for €24.98. The software is US but can be setup for any currency. There is an online banking feature that is supposed to let you log onto your account from within Moneydance but I haven't got it working with my AIB account. Other than that I've found it very good for tracking and projecting cashflow and budgets.
If you buy a 35c notebook, write everything you spend into it, and keep all your receipts/bills/invoices/etc in a biscuit tin, then you are flying. Failing that, take a deep breath, and (generously) estimate your year's expenditure, divide it by 12, and put the matching monthly amount of euros, either into a BOI Budget Account, or an AIB Masterplan Account. Get a Laser (Debit only) card on said account, and for things like ESB, Eircom, Bord Gais, SKY TV set up Direct Debits. It's also a huge help, if you buy oil or coal supplies, to set up a Standing Order, to be paid all year round, for a certain amount, to the Fuel Providers you deal with. It takes the vomit with fear factor out of the re-fuel bills. Set aside a food/shopping budget, and stick to it, and only use your Laser Card to pay for it. Know exactly what you spend regularly, and on what, and budget for it.

Set up a seperate account, for the "surprise" bills / expenses. Like the car breaking down, or little Johnny's teeth, or the vet's bills for Fido. And, if you have no surprise bills, and lucky you, then the money is there for, whatever.

After that, sure, your money is your own, whatever is left of it!!! But, at least, you can sleep soundly at night, knowing your bills are paid, there is food in the house, and you need'nt drop dead when you need another fill of coal or oil.

If you have a Credit Card, never use it to pay household expenses or bills. Use it only to pays for the holidays or the new suite of furniture, and make sure you do not incur charges on it. Remember that a Credit Card, will cost you E40 per year, in Gov Stamp Duty, so, question do you need a Credit Card at all.

Well, all the above works for me.
Quickbooks has great software for home budgeting, I think it's called Quicken - you'll find it if you google the name. I used it and it really was fantastic