Is it just me or is there a lot of repetition on this forum regarding the passing on of interest rates in the last few weeks? I find that a lot of the post have the same advice and there is a lot of doubling up.
Just my two cents, i am aware it is topical so feel free to berate me and delete my post
No need to feel the slightest bit embarrassed JJ, it is true that there are a number of posts which could be deemed to be repetitious.
However, since this is the first ECB Interest Rate reduction since June 2003, and given that there were no less than 9 increases in the period Dec. 2005 to July 2008, from the historic low of 2% to 4.25%, and that each and every one of those increases were passed on as soon as physically possible, in the next payment, by my provider, Ulster Bank, you can understand why I and others are upset.
Conversely, the very first reduction since 2003 has not been passed to customers in the same fashion by UB and other banks, but has been delayed to the last possible date.
Surely there is a case to be answered by these institutions, who have benefited from bail-outs by Irish and UK Taxpayers.
These institutions have not got their own houses in order, and have caused the biggest slump/depression in a century, by the greedy policies they have pursued, to ensure that their so-called top people continued to make outlandish and undeserved bonuses.
They continued to feed a Bubble in the Housing Market in Ireland, when it was patently obvious it was no longer sustainable.
They have caused devastation in the ecomonies of Ireland and other countries.
And now they want us to sit like mice and accept their dishonest and inconsistant policies regarding interest cuts which are supposed to stimulate economic activity.
Just my two cents worth