i have a 60,000euro home loan tracker mortgage over 294 months.
on my statement:
interest rate, trackerhome LTV>50%&<=80% is 5.40% {APR 5.521%} including interest adjustment of 1.15%
my monthly payments were 367.71 euros now they are 350.46
this seems a very small adjustment as interes rates have come down all of 1%, maybe someone could do a calculation for me. thanks
the king
on my statement:
interest rate, trackerhome LTV>50%&<=80% is 5.40% {APR 5.521%} including interest adjustment of 1.15%
my monthly payments were 367.71 euros now they are 350.46
this seems a very small adjustment as interes rates have come down all of 1%, maybe someone could do a calculation for me. thanks
the king