Toyota Yaris or Suzuki Swift?

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Mrs. Foutish is currently on the look out for a second car. Something 04/05/06. She has narrowed it down to either a Yaris or a Swift. The Yaris models she's looked at are all 1 litre and the Swifts are 1.3.

The Yaris ones are more expensive to buy but she reckons that they'd be cheaper to run tax/insurance wise going forward (smaller engine) and would also be better in the mpg department. She hopes to keep the car for a long time . . . . . for at least 5 or 6 years.

Any opinions or recommendations? (She's not interested in any other type of car).
I'd go for the Yaris.
My sister has one since 05, no problems with it since she got it, other than wear and tear stuff. She had a Corsa before that which was always giving trouble
I would also go with the Yaris. I had 3 of these cars over the years. I never had one bit of trouble with any of them.
A friend has a swift (but it's brand new) so wouldn't expect any problems there anyway.

You really can't go wrong with a Yaris!
Mrs Romulan has an 06 Yaris and no problems other than a tendancy to need more oil.
Not a leak, just age.

The only issue I have with it is a lack of power, noticably when car has 4 or 5 people in it. But I'm used to a 1.8 so probably just me.
I'd go Yaris. The swift is meant to be decent though and nice to drive.

1.0 cars are only economical if you don't drive them hard. Sometimes a bigger engine is more economical as it doesn't have to work as hard. But I don't think there would be a large difference. I might come down to the type of journeys your doing and your style of driving.
Thanks for the replies. She's going to look at a Yaris at the weekend. The mileage is fairly low and it's only had one owner. Could be the one!
Thanks for the replies. She's going to look at a Yaris at the weekend. The mileage is fairly low and it's only had one owner. Could be the one!

Not much room in the back when she's collecting you from the LV though
Not much room in the back when she's collecting you from the LV though

I always crawl ........, ahem..., I mean walk home from the Long Valley! The oul doll would never have to collect me unless I was making a detour to Jackie Lennox's for a pie or a few chips!