Toxic load in the Dáil

If I was a politician, I would certainly be cautious about giving an interview to a girl holding a dildo.

The message I got from it was just how bad these politicians actually are. It seems like that first bloke doesn't even have a mind. He just stands there spouting the usual spoon fed rubbish.

You really need to focus on the important things! Actually basing any opinion on this clip shows how easily some people can be swayed by the media! Do you even know the name of the "first bloke"? Maybe spend a bit more time on what they do rather than how the appear when some wannabee tries to show them up to get her fame on youtube!
Spend a bit of time on what they do?

Did you see what they did/said this morning? something about AIB and Anglo...
my point is you're taking a message and forming an opinion based on some dildo waving wannabee - who's the fool here, the interviewee or the viewer taking some meaning from the interview?
The Irish taxpayer is the fool.
If that same interview was made by the usual journalists, we would have just heard the usual propaganda, about how wrong that man was, and he could have killed someone etc, etc. blah, blah, blah....
However, in this instance it didn't go quite as planned for the interviewee.

Messages, or propaganda, is always the result of political interviews. Otherwise, why bother?

There, I've spelt it out now.