Tour Operator change our hotel due to overbooking?


Registered User
hi just got call this morning - our hotel we chose has been "overbooked" and they are moving us to another hotel - we are flying Friday morning! New hotel is not the same - not on the beach and not where we had made arrangements to meet wedding party. (Its the same grade)B/f rang tour operator and girl was very ignorant - played the silent game - we checked terms and conditions and are entitled to compensation of 60 euro each if changes made within 2 weeks of departure. Are we being unreasonable in expecting an upgrade or some kind of gesture for our inconvenience. I imagine they are changing us so they can fit in some tour group. B/f is going to ask to speak to manager shortly. Any advice welcomed. Thanks.
If I were you I would expect a gesture of goodwill for the inconvenience.
Even though the other hotel is the same rating, that's not enough - perhaps you had chosen the first hotel specifically to fit in with the wedding party, or wanted other amenities like the beach.

The least the company should do is make sure you are not inconvenienced - i.e. all amenities which were available in the first hotel should be available in the second hotel. I would expect an upgrade to a higher grade hotel, or at the very least an upgrade to a higher grade of room with extras such as bowls of fruit in your room and free drink/meal vouchers.
I'd be very nice but highlight the fact that this is a great inconvenience to you and that you are very upset at this. I'd then ask if they will offer you a further discount / add-on in light of this fact. In my experience taking a pleasant approach is always the best policy as the hotel in question will usually aim to try and resolve the situation as amicably as possible.
Hi thanks for the replies.
B/f rang again - was pleasant from the start but was met with a wall of silence when he stated the facts. We are flying out Friday morning! Heading to Dublin tomorrow so not alot of time. She is not budging and won't offer anything! he asked to speak to the manager who is on holidays and got name of person covering. Told her he was making an official complaint and she said fine it must be in writing and gave him the fax number!? I also noticed there is a sale in the initial hotel with Tour operator so I bet we were shafted to accommodate bigger groups arriving same weekend. He is to phone mgr after lunch. Thanks.
A significant material change in the nature of the booked holiday may entitle you to cancel and obtain a full refund. Alternatively, as you say, the contract may offer compensation for such situations. Or your travel insurance may also offer cover. Make sure that you read your booking contract and travel insurance policy so that you know what's what. In my opinion the travel operator sounds like they are being unreasonable here - not you. Note that I had a similar experience in the past with Concorde Travel in case my experience is of any benefit to you. Check out the ITAA complaints/arbitration/code of conduct links and maybe drop some hints about involving them and/or the Small Claims Court.
Thanks for that Clubman - yes we would be legally entitled to a full refund - which we may have accepted - had we known in time - wedding on next week. No time to change flights/holiday etc which I believe they knew.
B/f rang there and mgr is in a meeting now.. so isn't giving up.
I think if they initially phoned with a proper apology and offered us an upgrade and perhaps a bottle of wine I would have been fine. Its the manner in which we were dealt with and yes we specifically picked hotel due to location to beach and to wedding party.
The saga continues.... thanks for input.
Am I allowed name the Irish tour operator? Who may I add got alot of business from this one wedding - first time for me to stay in hotel on sun holiday usually self catering so its annoying. Thanks.
Sorry - I assumed that this was a package holiday and couched my comments in those terms. If it was a hotel booking separate from flights etc. then some of my comments may not be relevant. I would be inclined to name the establishment in this case but maybe drop Brendan and email/PM and check with him first?
Manager is to get back to him as he is finding out details. So will know more later on. Holiday had flights included too so its a package.
Manager was quite pleasant and is to phone back.
Thanks for replies. I won't name the operator if all is sorted out. I have a feeling we might get back to the initial hotel.
This is the manager of the travel agency/tour operator I presume? Not the manager of the hotel? Your booking/contract is with the tour operator and you should be dealing primarily with them and they should be sorting any issues out with any third party service providers.
hi yes sorry it was the manager of the tour operator. He has explained that they pulled all their guests out of the initial hotel as their reps in Cyprus were not happy with the way in which they were treated. Although their website still has a sale on for this hotel? He has offered us the 60 euro each compensation and also the move to another hotel which is one of theirs (other one wasn't) and the new hotel is in same vicinity and is dearer to stay in. So we're happy.
He is to phone at 3.30 to see if we are agreeable. We are. Glad we didn't let it go. Thanks for the advice.
He has explained that they pulled all their guests out of the initial hotel as their reps in Cyprus were not happy with the way in which they were treated.
Sounds like a fair deal so IF he's telling the truth which you can verify thru other guests presumably. Fair play to all. I would mention the fact that his assistant was not helpful but wait till you get back for that.