totally broke but awaiting inheritance/can I get she get a loan


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A friend of mine is in dire straits, she is a single parent to one child and works etc. Her mother died a few months back and the inheritance is between 5 of them including a house , money etc. However they have to wait for probate she informs me but in the meantime her car is about to be repossessed as while her mother was ill she bought a car to accomodate her mother plus wheelchair and her Mum helped with repayments.

Can she get a loan on the strength of her inheritance or anything such like. Any advice would be appreciated .
she needs to contact whoever is doing the Probate to see what the delay (if any) is. Then assuming executor has a solicitor, make appointment to see solicitor; explain the situation to him/her and have him/her write to your bank explaining the situation. There is a chance of getting a loan, on receipt of a promise from solicitor that he will repay from the proceeds.
Certainly your friend should book an appointment with the solicitor doing the probate and ask for help. Some people can be embarrassed about giving details to a family solicitor but really shouldn't- the solicitor has heard it all before ( and far, far worse) and will treat the matter in the utmost confidence.

She needs to ask the solicitor to provide an undertaking to discharge the loan from the proceeds ( provided there is sufficient). The solicitor will provide this with usual caveats. It has become more difficult in recent times to get banks to accept this type of undertaking if she can't make any repayment but if she can make some sort of repayment it would be easier.
Thanks guys, she was on to the bank who loaned her the money, she needs 2k by Friday and then they will change date of payment and not look for one until end of April. She can then look at downsizing the car to a small runaround. I did think she may be able to get a loan on the promise of her inheritance but I wasnt sure. Cheers