Total refurbishment of a 3 bed terraced house

X-Man said: can you justify paying over 2E for a cup of coffee when in italy etc the same cup is less than can you justify paying a plumber 70E per hour when you can get the same tradesman for half as i have done it.
High prices do not necessarily constitute rip-offs. Even if lower prices for the same goods/services are available elsewhere. People who pay high prices may do for lots of reasons including inertia, convenience etc. Others shop around for lower prices and better value for money and long may that continue. The fact that a cup of coffee is €2+ here but a fraction of that in Italy doesn't really mean much. Yes the prices are higher here but its doesn't necessarily make it a rip-off and nobody is going to fly to Italy in order to save a few cents on a cup of coffee.
i was in harvey normans last week looking for a two door american fridge.the cost was 1650E and they really pushed it onto me.i went 1mile down the road i got the exact same fridge for how is that not a rip-off HOW?!!!
It's not a rip off because the price is clearly displayed. It would be a rip-off if they advertised it at €1,300 but then attempted to charge you €1,650 at the till for example. Just beacause they charged €1,650 and it was available elsewhere for a lower price does not make it a rip off. Just a higher price. If they are able to sell it at that price to some punters who, for whatever reason, don't look for or find the lower price then that's their prerogative. The more people, like you, shop around and find lower prices for equivalent goods/services the more competitive pressure there will be on others to match those prices. However as long as they can sell at the higher price they will continue to do so. That's business. Caveat emptor.

as a person whom is in the business of doing up houses then its a rip-off.

listen if you have millions then prices don't count but i on the other hand try to get a product cheaper thus saving me money.why pay X amount for X product when you can get it cheaper down the road........
X-Man said:
as a person whom is in the business of doing up houses then its a rip-off.
No. High prices don't necessarily imply rip-off.
listen if you have millions then prices don't count but i on the other hand try to get a product cheaper thus saving me money.why pay X amount for X product when you can get it cheaper down the road........
Read my posts on this matter here and elsewhere. I am all for competition and shopping around for lower prices. I do this myself as far as possible. However I am totally against people erroneously calling high prices rip-offs because it is simply wrong and deflects from identifying and attending to the real rip-offs that exist.
Clubman we could agrue forever lol. i just cannot justify someone charging X amount while down the road its X amount cheaper for the same product.

i understand what you are saying totally.

Hi X-Man. Where are Munster Rejects? I would be interested in contacting them for replacement windows.
joanmul said:
Hi X-Man. Where are Munster Rejects? I would be interested in contacting them for replacement windows.

joanm the co is situated just out inniskeen carrickmacros co monaghan.if you want to save on PVC windows,doors fascia etc this is def the place to go........i wish i could get commission for mentioning this co as the costs' are unreal.PM me for telephone #'s etc

Hi X-man

Thanks for your reply - sorry I only saw it now. I've actually asked you in another window thread for a pm from you for the address etc. Then I remembered this thread.
okay - an update on this. We have decided to go ahead with the purchase of the house. But we need to find someone to oversee the extension and the refurbishment, create a schedule etc....

is the person we need an architect or an engineer and has anyone any recommendations for either.

btw. 99% of people we have approached have said that a 90k budget is 'very tight'.

re original question

involved in a similar project at present.

assuming no planning,boundary or legal issues and depending on the age of the property and any particular structural problems (damp etc) a reasonable budget cost at this stage for the main house would be €45k+vat plus around €150/sq ft to rebuild rear extension. This doesnt incl fees etc if professional advisors reqd.

Assuming you got a structural survey - your surveyors should (best practice) have provided cost estimates for the work you describe.

Obviously as prev posters have said you could probably reduce these cost significantly if you have the time, experience and contacts to run project yourself

my advice if you have other things to do - get professional help ......(but I am biased)

I think 90k is indeed tight - for 450 sq ft plus extension.

A total renovation is actually MORE expensive than a tear down and rebuild job, in my experience. But it depends on the extent of the "total renovation" which to me means stripping back to the shell and replacing everything else, including floors and joists. If the roof is OK, you'll save a lot of money, granted.

If 99% of people who know the nitty gritty of what you want to do say it's not enough, maybe they are right. And don't forget to add another 10k for a your kitchen