total income of porter & nurse as per the sunday indo

I would agree with you,however i do think some people have a valid reason to complain,but the porter and nurse dont seem to have any reason!! that i can see at least.
Theres no doubt that there will be a shortage of students available as more and more people apply to take them.ANd in fairness theres only so much paintng of a house one can do.

That is strange as I have often been canulated and had bloods taken by nurses, as has my father who spends a lot of time in hospital. I wasn't criticising doctors by the way, I was saying that our health system does not rely enough on them, and they should. My comment about the way the health system is organised was on foot of a meeting I attended recently to discuss Government policy in relation to certain matters, and this point was brought up by experts in the labour market field.

Thats the way to do it !!!
I agree that a positive attitude is important. But I don't think its realistic to think that people with fairly recent mortgages would be able to meet their repayments and pay their bills on what they would earn from taking in foreign students. These people are entitled to feel panicky and upset and, yes, whinge a bit if they want. They're only human.

Its great to hear people talking like this instead of whinging on liveline or just blaming the government for everything from the recission to liverwho getting knocked out of europe last night.
You are all getting away from the original post.
Why is nobody suggesting that while this couple made all the right decisions regarding what they could afford they missed a crucial one.
They could not afford 3 kids and so they should not have had 3 kids. Now that they have had them they will have to make all of the necessary sacrifices that having that number of kids entails.
I was only able to afford one kid as I never expected that other people should pay to raise kids for me.

Uh oh, now you've gone a done dare you even suggest that people only have the number of children they can afford. Aren't we all meant to be delighted for the parents of entire teams of children
You dont collect your childrens allowance then.. maybe you could donate it to a more worthwhile cause..
Maybe we should either a) legalise abortion in this country, or b) means test people before they have sex?

An excellent suggestion. A great way to stimulate the economy as hoards of people fall over themselves in a bid to earn more. In fact we could increase the minimum threshold each year ( or at least during the recession).
You dont collect your childrens allowance then.. maybe you could donate it to a more worthwhile cause..

It has been a long time since I was entitled to Children's allowance but I have to say that you are correct. I did badly need it for the first couple of years and have to admit that I used it but after about four years when I was no longer in need of it I allowed someone else the use of it.
I think that it is a totally ridiculous payment and should be done away with immediately.
If you can not afford to raise children then you should not have them. You should not expect others to make sacrifices so that you can indulge in more kids when the population of the world is well past the point that it can support.
So if you lose your job/take a massive pay cut, whatever, and your children need to eat you should......? Not have had them in the first place? Then perhaps its a time machine you need to invent!

OK, but job loss aside, what about people who have a couple of kids, find things are tight, have a few more, find themselves struggling but still think "Ah sure we'll just have another one" ?

Plenty of them around. IMO that attitude is simply grossly irresponsible, stupid bad parenting and plain selfish. In fact I think there was a thread a few months back that touched on a few real life examples like this.
That man with the quiet voice who does wildlife programmes touched on this subject on the BBC website just this week.
"There is no need to do either. Just stop expecting the rest of us to subsidise it."

This is a dangerous argument. In many European countries the falling birthrate means that there is a looming crisis. Today's workers are tomorrow's pensioners. Today's children are tomorrow's taxpayers. Those who resent subsidies being given to to today's children will one day find themselves relying on the tax receipts from those same children to pay for their state pensions and state-subsidised healthcare.
". In many European countries the falling birthrate means that there is a looming crisis. .

They predict that there will be 10 Billion people on the planet by the end of the century so I would not loose any sleep over that one.

How about we open some orphananges for all the little kiddies whose parents can no longer afford them
Oh and what about the schools ? Dont we subsidise them through our taxes,could we make it a one child per family rule?
And do the same with the childrens kid only.
And for third level ,one kid only entitled to go..that would soon put a stop to this nonsense of people having three eh..
One kid per car? Holidays 2 adults and one child?
Table for 3?
What about giving those who dont have any kids ,a kid from the overpopulated familys?
One child per family per creche?..
Really dont know why people have more than one,imagine thinking at any stage of your life that you could afford to have more than one.Utterly ridiculous!! We can let people know when we think they can afford to have maybe one more,but by god on your own head be it cos if theres another recession..well dont say you havent been warned

I always fasinated by people who say ,I really needed it,but now that I dont,its a riduclous payment.funny that eh!

What do you mean ,you allowed someone else to use it? For what?
Its Childrens allowence,hint in the "childrens" bit..

Is there a lower income level you would suggest that people do not have children at?

Whats your definition of "afford to raise children" because that would need to be known,so we can make sure it meets the criteria before conception.

You definition of afford may be quite different to others.
I know someone who has only one child,had a great job,nice house blah blah and guess what he lost his job!! any idea now what he can do with the kid he can no longer afford?

I also know someone who has 6 yes six kids and he has a good job,nice house,blah blah, for now.he had those kids over 18 years ago,but who knows whats around the corner....
Just tax it!
At the moment the state takes a load of money from me in taxes and employs a load of people to give it back to me tax free... why?
Either don't take it in the first place or tax it but don't take it, provide a few jobs for the boys (and girls) and then give me back what's left.
