Total contributions calculation - reckonable credit deductions?


Registered User
My mother was contacted to say the dept of social welfare has recalculated her contributory pension entitlement. She was one of those affected by the lack of inclusion of her Home Carer Periods while she was home with children.
She and I have, we think, finally worked out how they've calculated her new figure. According to their letter she has 912 reckonable paid contributions, 1146 home caring periods ( nb capped at 1040) and 105 reckonable credits (she disagrees with this last figure) from 1967 to 2016.
So, 912 + 1,040 - 105 = 1,847.
1,847/2,080 = 0.88798
€248* 0.88798 = €220.22
(Which is €8 short of her new revised pension rate)

Are these 105 reckonable credits now deducted from the total credits in this new system? The method of calculation is extremely vague 're her specifics . No break down showing how they've come to €228 is given. We have no idea if it has been calculated correctly or not.
Thank you
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Under the current calculation system, your total number of contributions (based on above this seems like 912+1040+105= 2057) is divided by the number of years in the PRSI system (seems like 51 or 50). This would give a figure of just over 40 average contributions per annum. That currently qualifies for 98% of the State Pension which would be €238.43 based on €243.30 full pension.
Have the Dept quoted €228 or €238?
Thank you.
They are quoting 228 as their new figure. She started working from 1967 and was required to retire in 2015. But had to claim UB for a further year until she reached pension age.
Edit this case doesn't appear to be the average annual contribution standard method of calculation. Rather it appears to be this new Total Contributions Approach .
But I'm still at a loss as to how they're coming up with €228.40
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No. My calculations say that is 93.85% of the 2080 credits needed. That should give just over €233 if I'm looking at a proportion of the max pension €248.
Even trying to work backwards I can't see how they've achieved €228
Edit: something is reducing the percentage, and thus the payment, which is why we thought maybe the reckonabke credits had something to do with it.
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The maximum rate of pension is 243 euro - the budget increase to 248 applies from this week.

That might be the reason for your 5 euro difference in calculation?
Even trying to work backwards I can't see how they've achieved €228

I get to 228 in my calculations.
Maybe you're looking at 2019 pension amount, but the social welfare calculated using 2018 rates.

2018 rates -
912 + 1,040 = 1952.
1952 / 2080 = 0.938%
243.30 (maximum personal rate per week) * 0.938 = €228.22.

2019 rates -
912 + 1,040 = 1952.
1952 / 2080 = 0.938%
248.30 (maximum personal rate per week) * 0.938 = €232.91.