Torn cheque


Registered User
Don't ask how, but I have a cheque which is now torn in half, fairly neatly down the middle. The tear goes through the final magnetic ink number (account number I think) at the bottom.

What are the chances of getting away with lodging this if I sellotape the rear of the cheque only, so that there is no sellotape over the magnetic ink? Any other suggestions (without having the chase the payer for a new cheque)?
I should hope that no bank would accept a torn cheque. Don't people tear up a cheque if they are not going to use it?
I thought I posted this link last night but I guess not. Anyway it's a UK link that suggests that banks may not have a problem with a torn cheque. I'd imagine that whatever is normally done in the UK might be the same here.

Brendan - there are lots of ways to tear a cheque. And when you have young kids around there are even more!

I had a torn cheque last week (thought I had taken it out of envelope which I tore down the middle) I took it into bank and they sellotaped it and lodged it to my a/c .
In banking we normally accept torn cheques. It's common practice to get the customer to sign on the back taking responsibility for mutilation & then lodge it to the a/c. You needn't worry about the magnetic ink. It just means it will have to be input manually instead of the scanner reading it.
In most cases the drawee will not even be aware. If the drawee tore it up he'd be likely to have put a stop on it or put it through a shredder.
It's amazing how many cheques go through washing machines or get half eaten by the family dog !